Sunday, December 9, 2012

peace, a decision and a little humour

At the beginning of November I was asked by the youth pastor at my church if I would be the female leader for the Spring Break Youth Missions trip to Thailand. It was a total suprise to be asked primarily because I have not been involved with youth at the church and also I did not foresee any oversees trips this year. I told Jon I would think about it. And think and pray is what I did. Everyday it was on my mind, yet I did not have peace about a decison for a month. It was a long time of wondering if I would ever have peace about making a decision. To add to the mix I accepted a full time teaching position at Abby Christian beginning in mid- January. I'll be teaching grade 5! With the new position I wondered if I would need a break or if the trip would be a life-giving way to spend my Spring Break. I wondered so many things. I know it will be a different pace of life once January hits because having your own classroom involves a lot more prep work and time. Currently with Teaching on Call I usually leave school at 3:30 and I have no further planning to do in the evenings. It's been easy! Getting back to the story. Finally two Wednesdays ago,  I woke up with this peace about saying no to it.  At the end of the day, the Spirit of God wasn't leading me to do it. That's an interesting thought. It says a couple of times in Galatians to let the Spirit guide our lives and that has been why I've "had to go" in the past and yet this time it's the same but different. Three big things I was wrestling with were:

a. what others may expect of me,
b. what I expect of myself,
c. the thought that my "Missions DNA" would be stripped of me if I said no.

But the amazing part is that once we give Him those things and he exchanges them for himself, His peace comes and those things fall to the side. It was definitely an honour to be asked to lead in this way. I was thrilled at the opportunity to bring my own experiences and love for people and the world to the team (if I were to go). I'm so supportive of the trip, but this wasn't what He was leading me into at this time. One of the big things I learned is that the Spirit of God holds the trump card. I made my pros and cons list using my human rationale; however, it when the Spirit of God prompts you either to do/ or not do soemthing His voice is what ought to hold the most weight. I remember when I went to China and my parents wanted a reason for "WHY" I had to go and the reason I gave is that the Spirit of God is leading me to go. At the end, that answer satisfied. That answer outweighed any other.

Now back up to point "C" above. I have to laugh because although I have been on the on-call list at the Dasmesh Punjabi School here in Abbotsford, I hadn't received a phone call until Thursday morning (the day after saying no to Thailand). To me this correlates because it was the Father giving me that little reminder that he knows my heart and that he knows my love for the nations. It was a reminder that he does not take that away from me because I said no to Thailand. I ended up teaching there four days these past 2 weeks. On Friday it was Guru Nanak's bday, so the whole day was a religious ceremony all in Punjabi. I had to take off my shoes and wear a head covering. I jus stood there beside my class and prayed to Jesus the whole time. What an honour to get to stand in that place. I've had the privilege of being invited into that school. I've had the privilege of standing as an embassador of the High King, Jesus, and praying that individuals at that school would encounter His grace, love and peace.

So perhaps the "Big 3" I take from this experience is:
1. God does give us peace when we seek Him.
2. The Spirit of God sometimes leads us to go and other times leads us otherwise. The Spirit of God holds the trump card.
3. God knows our hearts. He made us who were are and he does not forget how he has made us.

~ One of my favourites! ~

Monday, November 5, 2012

Significant Someone

Small guy? Significant Someone.
I started the day with a morning walk. Always a good choice to begin the day. I was just by myself this morning and had a lot of things on my mind so I spent the walk praying. I spent the walk sharing my thoughts with my Father. I spent the walk observing the things around me. The little things have been in focus to me lately, like those furry little caterpillars that are out and about crawling the pathways and trails. I ended up sharing the trail with this little snail. The little thing was so small, probably easily breakable, yet focused on his/ her task. Snail was crossing the road. That appeared to be a big task for such a little creature. I passed it as I was walking the one direction and then on the way back, I took note of how it's journey was coming along. Snail had made great progress. It had probably traveled half the metre it had to go, so it was still on its way toward the other side.
 My initial thought was this is a pretty small guy.
 Do you ever feel like a small guy? In a great big world, do you feel like a little snail?
 But then I got to thinking (hope I'm not too loonie), "that little snail is amazing! That little snail is determined. That little snail is capable of big things." It's easy to think, "Oh that insignificant little snail- but no that snail was crossing the street, as it was meant to do. And that is significant. We are not a small guy. Rather, we are people with great purpose and significance. We are meant to live here and now and no thing we encounter is overlooked by the Father. No thing we do it outside the knowledge of our Creator. No circumstance is a suprise. To me that is reassuraing.
To me that means I'm known and cherished.
Tonight we had a celebration for Miss Elgersma. She has been the music teacher at Abbotsford Christian Elementary School for over 20 years! WOW! I'm amazed. This was a celebration of who she is and a recognition that we support her through this cancer. It was amazing to see New Life Church full of people- former students, current students who attend ACS, past and present colleagues and staff, parents, family and friends. We shared music and stories together. There's something so beautiful about being together as a body. I had the privilege of teaching for Sandra 3 years ago (2009- 2010). Tonight we each had the opportunity to write Sandra a "note" and mine said something along the lines of, "Thank you for believing in me. May you sing the new song God puts in your heart each day." Truly, truly, I have been doing a lot of reflecting lately, especially on three years ago. I think about how Sandra gave me the prvilege of being in her classroom for the year. I was 22 years old and she entrusted 180 students to me 3 days/ week to teach music to. What a privilege to be "believed in" by someone like that. Thank you Sandra for believing in so many. Inclusivity is something I learned from you. Each person is no "small snail" to you; each one is a "significant someone." I want to express to you how much it means to me that you believed in me. Thank you.
Lyrics from The Lorica
Be above me, as high as the noonday sun
Be below me, the rock I set my feet upon
Be beside me, the wind on my left and right
Be behind me, oh circle me with Your truth and light

Monday, October 29, 2012

"Big Feast"

My friend Tamara first introduced me to a unique little restaurant in the heart of Maple Ridge called "Big Feast Bistro."
According to the website, Big Feast is, "a small town bistro with a trendy, urban feel.  Located in the heart of Maple Ridge, BC, we feel that feasting is something we do whenever we get together with friends and family, and food should be celebrated whether you're just having breakfast, or enjoying a special event! 
We built the bistro with family and community in mind. Our community table is the heart of our dining room, and is there to encourage guests to connect, interact, and get acquainted. Family is an integral part of who we are, and as such, we have created a space and a menu that welcomes and encourages families to enjoy each other's company, allows parents to enjoy a great meal, and allows kids to be just who they are - kids! 
We strongly stand behind shopping local, re-using and recycling. Almost all the items in our bistro have been previously loved. Our display came from a Montessori in Langley, our community table from a wonderful couple in Maple Ridge, our 100 year old bench from a farm in Northern Saskatchewan, and our chairs from a quaint bistro in Boundary Bay. We have created the menu with local merchants in mind, and select locally made (within 100 mile), organic ingredients whenever we can. Because of this, our menu changes regularly, just like the seasons. We are proud to serve fair trade, and organic sustainably grown Salt Spring Coffee. We look forward to seeing you!"
I just love this Bistro! My cousin and I visited Big Feast a couple weeks ago and I was reminded again of how much I love the atmomsphere there, as well as the whole idea behind the place. Everything from the community table, to supporting local businesses and using second hand furniture items appeals to me. According to their website, "feast" is defined as,
Feast n. - 1. a. A meal that is well prepared and abundantly enjoyed.             b. Something giving great pleasure or satisfaction.
In order to have a feast, you have to have people! I've been pondering the things that are life giving for me. I've been contemplating those things that I'm meant to do. One thing I've discovered is that I am meant to bring people together. I enjoy seeing different groups of people come together and I enjoy creating spaces where people are welcomed. I love partnerships and I recently had the great joy of creating a partnership between a local business and one of my dearly loved Christian friends.
I think of Ruth from the Bible. She is a woman I esteem to be like. She was someone who earned the trust of others, worked diligently at all she did, was loyal, compassionate, and united people.

~ 11920 227 Street Maple Ridge. ~

~ Invite a friend. Enjoy a feast! ~
~ Share ~ Give ~ Serve ~

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Sometimes I find myself here

On my prayer mountain.
Sometimes to overlook and pray for the city.
Sometimes to find a few moments of silence and peace.
Often times to surrender and come be before the Maker of Heaven and Earth.
I sprained my ankle on Monday night and I found myself atop my prayer moutain this morning. Hopping over to sit at the rock, I knew God's peace and I knew his constancy. This morning I was reminded of the words in Psalm 148- read the whole thing, it's about everything praising him by simply being themselves. These words stood out this morning,
 "Let them all praise the name of the Lord. For his name is very great; his glory towers over the earth and heaven!
He has made his people strong, honoring his faithful ones" (v 13, 14).

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Lifestyle of Generosity!

One of the biggest things I've taken with me from the time I spent with the Oommen's, the Berg's and Braun's is how generous they are. I recall being at the Oommen's one day to teach the kids and Bindu invited me to stay for dinner. My response to her invitation was, "You don't have to. I can cook at home." She looked at me and said, "Of course we don't have to. We want to." Those words have stuck with me. I think back on when I was leaving and Matt and Ruth came to say goodbye. I returned to them the many things they had lent me. As we left my house, I thought it rather amusing that their hands were full of stuff- a fan (to save me from the heat that was just coming out for the summer), a toaster (so I could enjoy BP and Banana toast for breakfast), and Capris (thanks to Ruth I had some comfy JOE capris to wear that came all the way from Canada), just to name a few. When I didn't have something, they were quick to say I could use one of theirs. I think about how I had to get a residency permit and Dave gave of his time to help me through this process. He had to cancel his language lessons and accompany me over to the office all the way on the European side where that stuff is dealt with. Again, a demonstration of generosity in action. With these models, I have come to want to exhibit this *generous* lifestyle. I've been so impacted by it that as a result I choose to embrace a lifestyle of generosity. Yes, I've had several moments of practicing this over the past little while, and what a joy it is to give! This week, I was also the recipient of two special acts of generosity. My socks were blessed off that's for sure! Firstly, I got to meet with grandpa for lunch. He is 75 now, and during our lunch hour I reminded myself of the fact that he's lived 3 of my life times. Wow, he must be so rich in experience and memories. After lunch he wanted to give me some money. Like before, he didn't have to, but he wanted to. In that moment, I think it best to receive and be blessed. Then, this past week I had posted on facebook that I wanted a bike and was wondering if anyone had any leads for me. My parents often bike when the weather is nice and Curtis has been encouraging me to take up biking, so I was on the lookout for a used bike. Well yesterday my Uncle came with a special delivery for me- exactly what I had wanted- A bike, complete with a helmet and lock to accompany it. WOW! As it turns out, my aunt had bought the bike from Costco and only been able to ride it a few times before realizing that she couldn't continue riding because of injury. Such generosity. I was able to then take the gift that my grandpa had given to me and say thanks to my Aunt and Uncle for the bike. The act of generosity has such vast ripples.

~ My Saturday Surprise! ~

~ Thank You ~

Generosity: I think on the principal of acting out of a recognition that 1. All that we have is God's. 2. We seek the Lord and respond as he leads 3. We know that God is lavish and generous 4. We know we are sons and daughters of the living God 5. We know his character and trust him in all things.
Let your requests be made known.
Are we a people who embrace a lifestyle of generosity?  

Thursday, September 13, 2012


It's been my word of the week.
What does it mean?
not restricted; without reservation; full; entire.
frank; open; complete; sincere.
I love this.
I've been thinking about how important it is to "say what you need to say."
When we could shy away from what we want to say, or when we could be too scared to compliment someone or give someone a word of encouragement, say thanks or tell someone how much he/ she means to us, it's better to be unreserved and just do it.
A little word goes a long way.
Just say it.
My friend, Tamara, who inspires me and many others wrote this poem and the theme goes along these lines. I hope she doesn't mind that I share her poem.
People are good.
People are beautiful!
Embrace the people in your life,
Reach out
Speak up. Speak out.
Say what you are thinking
Share what you have always thought
Express what is in your heart
Be bold. Be brave.
Sometimes words are not enough, but sometimes, words,
when used, intertwined with love
Have the ability to transform lives,
to shed light, hope and inspiration.
Let people know how you feel...
how wonderful you think they are
Say "thank you"
You just never know, the impact you might have,
Risk. Open up.
Dare to be a difference
Take a chance to impact a life
Do it now.
People need you.
The abiity we, as humans have, to help those around us,
to care for those around us, to love those around us
gives life meaning, gives life purpose
for without eachother
family, friend, or stranger,
we are lost.
We all have the ability
to impact one another...
To connect,
and for that,
* shout out today to Lydia, a special roommate. My first and best roommate.
Shouts to Luella, a wise woman whose presence is so refreshing.
Shouts to Curtis, encouraging me and and challenging me to choose the gateway to Life.
Shouts to Judy for being like an older sister to talk with.
Shouts to Louis, a constant friend.
Props to those who have recently decided to do something "RISKY" or "Unreserved"-
Alanna and Kevin, Breanne, Mike W., Denise, Tamara.
I'm proud of you.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Giving Responsibility

I learned a life lesson last week. It was one of those light bulb moments, where I had to take a step back and think "hmm... so that's how it works!" I was teaching Japanese students. Our program was different from the typical programs we do with short term exchange students. This one was more academic in its nature. With that the students were assigned different topics to focus on studying while they were here. I was assigned the topic "Environment." I'm not an environment expert, but I really enjoyed learning more about different aspects of the environment (like an ecological footprint, what we can recycle, life cycle of salmon, natural resources in Canada, just to name a few). All this preface to say that each group had to do a 5-10 minute presentation. In all honesty that was sort of sprung on me because I thought we were presenting on Friday, but on Wednesday morning I was informed that we were presenting that afternoon. But remember the last post, "Keep calm and carry on," - that's what I had to do. So I decided to totally put it in the students' hands. I gave them a couple of ideas, but really it was their presentation, so I wanted them to run with it. I was there for support and to assist as they needed me, but I really wanted them to take ownership of this presentation. Guess what! They did such a fantastic job! I was so impressed with their presentation. I suppose the "Aha" moment that came out of this for me is that sometimes the best thing you can do for someone else is give them responsibility. If you take charge and limit the responsibility they have, you don't let them take full ownership. When you give responsibility, the students can choose to rise to the occasion, work together and see their task achieved. I loved their creativity! As it turns out each group's presentation was judged by all of the teachers. I got so many compliments on my group's presentation. I was so proud of them! My remark back to the teachers was that the students are smart, capable and creative and did it on their own! Funny thing is that Amy and I were a little worried about these presentations (weren't clear of what our final product would look like, had very little direction), so after we had talked about it we prayed that our groups' presentations would come together well and that both of them would stand out in a positive way. Our prayer was answered and we were both placed in the top 5 (of 21 presentations). My group ranked first place! I am reminded to give others responsibility, as a sign to show them that I trust them and am confident in their abilities!


~ Masuhiro, Mariah, Yuki, Misa, Mami ~

~ My awesome group! ~

This makes me think of  the similarities with parenting (not that I know from experience). Again, I see the correlation between giving responsibility and seeing children rise to the occasion when you give it to them. I think we say, "I trust you. You can do it!" when we give children responsibility. I'm so appreciative of how my parents have raised me, giving me opportunities to be responsible and develop responsibility. Of course, they were there helping me deliver newspapers and driving me to my first job, but they equipped me to gain more responsibility. They turned it over to me and said they believed I could take on the responsibility. For that I am grateful! Giving responsibility doesn't means things will always go smoothly. It doesn't mean people are guaranteed to make the best decisions, but it means we believe in them. It means we trust they will learn from it and will grow. It means we are giving up control and giving them new and exciting opportunities. And actually in giving up "our rights" we grow too!

Responsibility- a gift worth giving!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

This one makes me smile!

     *p.u.r.e.* f.u.n. * l.a.u.g.h.t.e.r. *w.o.n.d.e.r.* f.r.i.e.n.d.s.h.i.p. *k.i.d.s. *t.o.g.e.t.h.e.r. * h.e.a.r.t. *
just play!

Monday, August 27, 2012

You, You! Be yourself

~ good motto ~
A few weeks ago I was asked to share at the Saturday night fellowship. I was honoured by the invite. I enjoy public speaking and don't often get nervous when the opportunity presents itself to share with others. The only thing is that as I was preparing to present I started to get a little nervous because I started to compare my presentation with Mark's (the other person who was sharing). The things we were speaking about were different; however, it was the way in which we were presenting that got me all nervous. He told me that he had this multimedia presentation- a 9 minute slide show with music and subtitles and to be perfectly honest I was a little intimidated. I thought, "Oh, no! I need to come up with a video presentation too!" After quickly contemplating the movie-making thing, I realized that I had NO idea how to do that! I realized that my presentation didn't need to look like Mark's... it needed to look like my own. I could never present the way Mark did and he could never approach a presentation with my style. I could have made a video but it probably wouldn't have been any good and that's just the honest truth. Our ways were totally different but they were each us. I'm so glad I came to the realization that I need to just do what I do best. Just be me and that will be the best me there is!

Today I accompanied 108 Japanese students to Vancouver. There were about 21 groups of 4 or 5 students, 21 teachers and 21 teen aged helpers along as well. WOW! The trip was jam-packed because the Japanese teachers had outlined for each group to visit 3 or 4 places in the City within a 5 hour time frame! Usually when I go to Vancouver I spend the entire day at 1 place! The teachers were expected to navigate to and from these places (on foot or by public bus) and this STRESSED some people out! They were freaking out all last Friday about this trip. Sure, it was a little disorganized but I can't believe how much stress some people add to their lives by making things more stressful than they need to be. People had spent their Sunday researching and planning for this trip and even losing sleep over it! In observing all this, I realized that watching them stress out actually made me stressed out. Just listening to them made things more confusing to me and so on Friday while many gathered to discuss it, I opted to just not get involved. Perhaps I am more familiar with Vancouver than some of the other teachers, which is a plus, but to be honest, I didn't really go to great lengths to plan this trip. I got a map and I was good to go! haha. This morning I bought a new worship album on itunes and I was set for the bus ride to Vancouver- stress free! As it turns out, I really believe that people can sense when others are calm and they gravitate to them. I know I would rather be around someone who is calm than someone who is freaking out. Subsequently, people were drawn to me today (the lady who hadn't researched Vancouver!). There I was at several points leading my group and 4 or 5 other groups through Vancouver! WHAT? How did that happen? Back to the picture, "Keep Calm and Carry On!" So true. I look back on the day and just have to chuckle because they put me in a place of leadership simply because I kept calm.

Let peace reside with me.
 Be understanding. Be Patient. Be Flexible. Be Confident.Be Calm.
Be yourself!

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Weeeeee! {k}end

I've had a fun weekend. Last night I went out to Vancouver to be with the girls. JoAnne just moved in to her new place and the four of us ladies got together one last time before Alanna leaves for Calgary in a week to start her Master's Program in OT. Alanna, I'm so proud of you. I specifically remember praying for you as you handed in that application and just waited to hear back from the universities. Although there is so much unknown at this point, I'm certain this is where you are supposed to be! I will miss having you here with me, but I pray you and Kevin will meet some incredible people in Calgary.

In honour of our time together, I decided to bake a pie! It was an incredibly hot day yesterday (high of 37*). I think it was the hottest day of the summer. It turned out to be an Apple pie with craisins. Yum! My little secret is to make pastry dough and then freeze it for an occasion where you may just want to make a pie (without doing all the work at that time!). I actually found the dough to be easier to work with after it had been in the freezer. I would do that again! The added touch to the pie was that I put our 4 initials on top of the pie. It turned out great! Next time I probably wouldn't put the milk glaze on until later because it seemed to make it darker than I would have liked it to have been. My apologies that the pictures are a little blurry- the iphone 3 that I have isn't as fancy as the newer phones... but at least you get the idea.

Today was my cousin Arianne's wedding. A big shout out to my Auntie Dianne who actually catered the wedding! What a big feat!  This morning, my mom, Nichelle, my Grandma and I prepared the fruit skewers. That was fun- so colourful... doesn't take much to make them look pretty and appetizing! The wedding was outside at Jeff's boss's house on Sumas Mountain. It was an absolutely beautiful setting. Funny thing is that Jeff and Arianne's dog, Tonka, was even in the wedding party (and pictures). Hehe. Here are a few pictures of my Bro, Nichelle, Mekayla and I.

~ I was the "bean bag toss" champion today! ~

~ growing up ~
~ I was trying to get Mekayla to look at the camera...
but it didn't happen ~

I love outside receptions! We enjoyed some fun games in between the ceremony and reception and got our fill of sweet desserts today! It sounds like Arianne has become quite the "pinterest" queen. The decorating was beautiful and I got to take home a few "cutesies." Someone recommended I get on pinterest because supposedly they have lots of great teaching ideas up there. Is that true?

Have I mentioned how much I've loved the hydrangeas this year?

Well that was my weekend- so far! We'll just have to wait and see what tomorrow will hold...
until then... Be creative and Have Fun! Today is your day!

Monday, August 13, 2012

On the town!

I've been a busy lady lately! Love this job- last week I got to lead a group of Japanese students to Victoria. My main job was to pay for the ferry and museum and then make sure all heads were there when we got back on the bus at 5:30 in the evening. Everyone had free time for about three hours in the afternoon and I had a good time looking around the shops in downtown Victoria. On the ferry, rides I pulled out my latest book that David gave me, called When Everything Changes by Steve Stewart. The book is about the Kingdom of God and what ushering the Kingdom looks like. In Ezra's sermon yesterday, he said that "the Gospel always leads to human flourishing." hmm... have to stop and think about the implications of that for a moment. Abundance! Joy! Life! Healing! Health! Wholeness! Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!

Then on Saturday it was Michelle's Birthday. After my step aerobics class in the morning I headed to Tracy Cakes and picked a cupcake for each of us and then put together her gift basket! It was a gorgeous day so we decided to make our way to Grandville Island before meeting up with the others at Bard on the Beach in the evening. Granville Island was *the* place to be on Saturday. There were so many people there, including many tourists. It always seems funny to see tourists in Vancouver. I wonder what they enjoy seeing most. We just meandered through the little gift shops in Grandville Island, got some coffee, went to the market, went out for dinner (yay Seafood!) and then even took a little nap on the grass before heading over to Vanier Park for Bard on The Beach's rendition of "The Taming of the Shrew" by Shakespeare. Such good acting! Forgot how riske Shakespeare was! Oh my! After seeing Adrienne's picture on facebook with her friends at Bard on the Beach a couple weeks ago, I just *had* to take this picture of us...

~ Happy Birthday Michelle! ~

Yesterday I went to a TWU Alumni BBQ with my friend Katelyn (hoping to meet Mr. Right, but I suppose he forgot to put it in his day timer!). It was really cool to meet other Trinity Grads and after going to that event I really do agree with my dad that TWU produces leaders! The people there were just such natural conversationalists!

This coming week I have an interview with a tiny school out in Vancouver and what do you know, I met a girl there last night who lives out in that area! I suppose I'm not one to "have my ducks all in a row" before telling people about them. I'm someone who shares the excitement as it happens- even if it's still in the works! I'm just not good at keeping good news inside! So even though I don't have a job lined up, I got to chat with this girl last night about Vancouver and even got talking about the church she attends, which is a MB Church plant in Vancouver, strategically initiated in the city and located in Grandville Island! How cool! She said that many people show up at the church just to "check it out" and it really reminded me of the international church I went to in Tky, where people were curious about what went on inside the doors of the church and took a bold step to enter on a Sunday morning. In my own observation, I've just seen the "partylife"/ anything goes, consumer, independent, educated mentality and worldview seep through the culture in Vancouver, and in effect people have let that worldview shape them, rather than a faith-based, Gospel driven worldview. I was encouraged by this church within the city that exists to "Make Jesus Known." Way to go Westside Church!

All in all, it was a good weekend! The week ahead will also be busy, but I'm looking forward to it.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Full Colour

For some reason all the flowers have been jumping out at me this year.

It's as if the colours are appearing sharper and more brilliant than ever!

Beholding more beauty! Oh, oh, oh!

Thursday, August 2, 2012


I had a lovely brunch with R on Tuesday. We each got to share with each other a snapshot of our lives in Central Asia. So beautiful to be able to get it. So precious to talk about the people we love so much. So helpful to talk about the joys that have come our way and how God has been faithful and brought us lives "full of colour." How rich we are! What a good time.

One thing I really walked away with from our time together was the idea that God doesn't let our good memories vanish. They don't slip away. When God seals those memories, we can carry them forever and not fear losing them. 

Tuesday, July 31, 2012


Perhaps you remember a while back when I wrote about how much I learned about the kitchen during my time living in Tky. I was surrounded by three women who were eager to teach me what they knew when it came to planning, shopping for and preparing meals. They did things like write out recipes for me, invite me to be part of helping out in the kitchen (usually me talking while they prepped) and introducing me to a whole new assortment of dinner dishes and delectable desserts. I grew to enjoy being in the kitchen during my time away and hope this enjoyment will continue at home in Canada. So I thought it fitting to try to find an APRON to take home to symbolize how my cooking/ baking skills improved in the Big City. I didn't end up finding one there that I really liked, so I asked Matt's mom, Ruth, if she would sew one for me. She is a warm woman who I got to meet during my last week there when she came to visit her kids and precious grandchildren.

Well everyone, here is the new apron- made with love!
~ Cute, Cute, Cute ~
~ I love, love the fun colours and floral print ~
I just had to make one of the team's favourites... Peanut Butter Monster Cookies! But for those who have to hide under their blankets and turn on the nightlight when they hear the word Monster... you can change the name. What do your kids call them again, Ruth? Here they are! This recipe makes a big batch, so I actually froze some cookie dough for later. These cookies are yummy yummy yummy.

Peanut Butter Monster Cookies

~ one for me, one for you! ~

Thank you for the beautiful Apron Ruth. It will just add to the whole kitchen experience and it will remind me of you and your beautiful family.

To check out more of Ruth's cute stuff on etsy, click here.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

rest, read and recharge!

This is what my "recharge day" looked like...


Monday, July 23, 2012

come on over...

Guess what! 

I have taken over two rooms in our house. I guess I'm growing up and needing more space! Although I sometimes feel restless to get out into my own place, I am grateful that 1. I had the opportunity to do so this past year 2. my parents are so supportive to me and we have so much fun together and 3. We have the space for me to kind of feel more independent, while still living with them. I'm not sure if Brayden will be super stoked about what I've done to his room; however, such is life and I have taken over his old room. The neat thing is that when my dad finished our basement, he made my brother's room two rooms in one! So now his old room has become my sitting room and office/ prayer room. It's still in the works, but I'm excited about how it is coming together. The rooms were painted, furniture was moved in and decorating is still in the works. A few more pictures need to be hung and I'm debating about whether or not to put a TV in there. I'm strongly leaning towards not putting one in because I just like the calm sitting room feel. I'm looking forward to having friends over, drinking coffee/ tea and pouring our hearts out. To be honest, I have probably been to 10 coffee shops in Abbotsford since being home and as much as I love going out, it kind of gets old! It's really not as personal and you just end up running into half the city when you are out at one of these preferred locations. So I thought it would be nice to be able to invite people over and have a space where we could hang out together. Now I just need my own espresso machine- a Tassimo may be on my next "wish list." I was thrilled for the "christening" of the sitting room on Sunday when I invited Kendra over after church. WOHOO! We were both at the first service, but she was volunteering in the nursery during the second service, so I went home and quickly made some banana walnut muffins, cut up some strawberries, ensured we had some yogurt and got the tea selections out! Then when she came, we got our little plates of food together and headed downstairs to try out the new room. 

getting a little creative with where to put the food
the other side
happy to share this room with friends
tea time anyone? 
too bad there's a glare
Hopefully I'll be able to snap some more shots of the room in the coming days. I also have to work on the office/ prayer room part. I'm hoping to develop some of the pictures of some of my favourite kiddos (you know who you are!!) and put them up in that space. I might do a cool collage wall that is bright and colourful- with the nine amazing kids I love (ok, and maybe the adult people too!). 

Well friends, you are WELCOME to come on over! 
~ Let's spend some time together ~

Monday, July 16, 2012

Beautiful British Columbia

Beautiful British Columbia
The inscription on our province's licence plates say, "Beautiful British Columbia." Truly, this is a beautiful province, with so much natural beauty. It is home to the Pacific Ocean, Snow-topped mountains, Spectacular hiking spots, Berry fields, Vineyards in the Okanagan, little lakes all around, Old- Growth forests and lots of Wildlife. I just love it! Lately, I have been awestruck by the natural beauty that surrounds me. I keep finding myself saying, "That is beautiful!" People travel from all over the world to behold such natural beauty. They get away for retreats and find themselves raving about God's creation. This little picture was taken on the ferry to Victoria on Saturday for my friend Genevieve's wedding. I sat there, ever so content marveling at what was before me. 

Monday, July 9, 2012

Dreaming new dreams

One day
Today I found my new favourite house in Abbotsford- small, but with a nice yard, black door and white trim. Perfect for running around in the front yard or bbq-ing and hosting friends in the back yard! Love it! Today I was dreaming new dreams. I also got to go back to my "old stomping ground" and work at Intercity Cafe for the afternoon. I love kids and I enjoy teaching, but what I really love is connecting with people in whatever form that may take and often it finds itself happening in a little neighbourhood coffee shop that sells the best Chai Latte in town (if I do say so myself!). I am tickled when it's not busy and I get to go and sit with a customer and strike up a conversation. You'll soon realize that people just need someone to talk to; people face challenges of all kinds and need a safe atmosphere and listening ear. I am honoured when people share their life with me.

I devised a great plan (in my head) about how I could work at the coffee shop this coming year- "Miss Victoria, ready to satisfy your caffine craving" haha, and I thought about how I would put lots of money aside for a down payment to buy the cafe that feels like a second home to many. It felt so natural to be there today and I feel in my element when I get to listen to A, who is well into his 80s tell me about the transition to using a walker now, and then B, tell me about the difficulties of watching her son go through some personal struggles and wondering how to show him love, but let him be independent. I talked to M about the life of traveling "back and forth," but through all trusting that the Father has good plans. Through the years this little coffee shop on Clearbrook Road has been a regular stop for many and I have developed some unique relationships with people by working there. Sometimes when you're in your element things just don't seem like work- that's probably why I keep going back!

So there we have it... 2 of my *B.I.G.* dreams.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

that deep place

Can I share my heart here for a little bit? Returning home is not always an easy thing. You just don't know what it will look like and you don't know how you will react to the transition and the change. It's a strange thing. It sometimes takes you by surprise. All the questions. All the visitors. All the coffee dates. All the familiar and yet all the new. There is no "one way fits all" and there is no blanket statement for how it will be when you "get back." Somehow each course and each time it's an absolutely different experience for each person who returns to that place where they once were (in other words "home"). They say that people who go abroad for an extended period of time have a new affinity with 1. the elderly 2. those who have lost a loved one 3. a soldier or someone in a related line of work. This is probably because each individual from these scenarios has so many stories to share and so many new life experiences (that sometimes people are interested in hearing and other times not so much) and the people from all three of these categories have experienced a whole gamut of emotions that are often times hard to express. Although there are handbooks for "re-entry" or "grieving", etc., and some shared similarities, there really is no way to know how you will feel and relate in the days and months after your return.

These last two weeks have been difficult. I have felt like I had no emotions, like they were all spent during the time I had to say my goodbyes and leave. Just as you can turn the radio dial "on" or "off," I felt like my emotional setting had been turned to "off," that setting where you can't outwardly express your feelings. It suddenly felt like the pictures in my album were a distant memory but I didn't want it to be that way. I've been going through my album daily with friends and family members and missing my "family" abroad so much. Each time I looked at the pictures, I actually hoped I would be able to cry because I just miss them that much. Tears are one of the most intimate places I know and I felt like I couldn't get there, I felt like I couldn't release what was within. Two days ago I asked why it feels like they are so far away when I see them in pictures and why it doesn't make them feel closer to me and my friend answered that it's because the pictures can never fully capture the moments we shared together that I treasure deep inside my heart. I asked how these next days and weeks and months will look as I am back. I asked why it's overwhelming to be home. But we don't have the answers. You know that saying "you leave part of your heart behind" sounds so cliche but I'm not sure if there is a better way to put it. Similarly when you lose a loved one, nobody else can ever replace the special relationship you shared with them. You can't re-create it. You live with the memories you shared together and you cherish them. Then two days ago the tears flowed and I let them. I guess it's part of the unknown process. After the tears came, I went back to my theme passage of Scripture for the year and was reassured with the words, "I know" spoken by the Lord in Psalm 139. He says, "I know, Victoria" and I was reassured that he holds me during this time.

Please continue to pray for me. Even though my time abroad has drawn to a close, I would appreciate your prayers in the coming days.

Thursday, June 28, 2012


Today as I was gearing up for this interview Brian gave me three words of advice.

1. put your little hand in God's big hand
2. smile
3. LOVE the people you meet

So I'm off to do that in about 5 minutes...

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

God is near

Today was a FABULOUS day! Steve Klassen, who runs the Mark Centre came and did a session with us this morning. He inspires me! Such a wise man, who embraces a lifestyle of listening to God and encouraging others to acknowledge the good things in our lives as blessings from the hand of God. He invites us to share stories and it is so good to be able to hear these testimonies from everyone. Whenever Steve talks with us, he invites us to slowly meditate on Scripture and to listen to the voice of God in community. I love the way he shares with such confidence that God is and will continue to speak to us. He has a love relationship with Jesus and spends time in His presence everyday, seeking His ways and approaching life with a receptive heart.

Here is the poem we read this morning.
 I'd encourage you to sit on it. meditate on it and contemplate it.

"Follow Jesus around the Scriptures- be an observer,
watch how he looks
watch how he touches
watch how he is present to people
watch how he prays and takes time out

Let him look at you
Let him touch you
Let him hold you
Let him heal you
Let him be present to you

Then become the look
Become the touch
Become the presence." - By Doreen Kostynuik

Actually, I'd encourage you to read it again for a second time.

After we read it, Steve asked us to tell a story of a time we knew God "looked at us" during these months. Then we were encouraged to share stories of when we became the look, the touch or the presence to others around us. This is giving God his glory.

I am reminded of the many many times I felt God's embrace while I was away. I am aware that we carry His presence to this world. "Each day we expose people to the Gospel with our lives" (David) all because Christ dwells in us (Romans 8:11 and 1 John 3:24) and his presence in us enables us to love. Abiding in Christ allows us to love others more fully.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Happy Father's Day

My dad
means the world to me
He would do anything for me.
I love him with all my heart.

Best thing is that I arrived home on Father's Day!

Saturday, June 16, 2012


It was my prayer this morning as I finally took the worship flags I had made down to the seaside
and let the wind blow them. Songs of praise flooded from my heart and words of the declaration of the
reign of God soared over this land. Jesus awaken hearts in this nation to know you, as Father and Saviour.

My playlist: 10 000 Reasons (Bless the Lord)- Matt Redman, White Flag- Passion, Here for You- Chris Tomlin, Famous One- Chris Tomlin, Awakening- Chris Tomlin, Spirit Fall- Christ Tomlin.

"You are the Lord, the famous One, famous One,
Great is Your Name in all the Earth."

Friday, June 15, 2012


Faith of the heart
 These last couple of days
have been emotional.

 I think about these people that I love so dearly and have shared my life with for the past 7 1/2 months and I am overcome with emotion. I think my biggest sentiment is that of gratitude. I am grateful that these families invited me to come and join in their lives for this time. They have had such extended arms towards me and have always looked out for me. I am part of the team and part of the family. I have never been alone. I am surrounded by 3 amazing women who love their husbands, their children, their neighbours and their Saviour. They have been such good examples to me. They were always there asking how I was doing and their kind words and gestures have meant so much to me. I could not have asked for more in this time. It has been precious! I look forward and am excited to be part of these children's lives as they grow up, little by little. I will always have these memories in my heart forever. This time was right. Jesus satisfies all my longings.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

How do you choose?

Since coming here, I have been gaining more and more confidence in terms of learning to navigate and get around independently. Sure, I sometimes take "the long way around" when I'm going somewhere, but in the end I get where I'm going and feel a great sense of
accomplishment when I get where I had set out to go. Success!

 Especially in the last two months I've traveled to the European side more- to meet two friends at the airport, to go to one of the big malls and to make some shopping trips to slowly pick up some gifts to bring back for friends and family.

I have been a returning customer to one little shop that sells souvenirs. I really like how the salesman is not pushy and takes his time with me. He doesn't hassle me, but actually makes me feel very comfortable in his shop. I first went there pick up some things I liked (sorry I can't tell you what). Then I returned another time to get more, then on Sunday I brought Gerald there. And again today I found myself in the same little shop! He really does have the best prices around! Today I was served tea and given the best prices he could offer, since S, the salesman, knows me pretty well now!

 Pictured above are some traditional plates that are found here . I love them, especially the ones in the top row! hmm... some look like they're missing! Might one have my grandma's name on it? We'll just have to wait and see. Love you Grandma. I know you are reading this post!
Although this picture isn't super clear, it shows my absolute favourite plate.
Even though I would have snatched it up in an instant, I had to stop and
remind myself of all I have purchased here.
Maybe I can get this one on my next trip .

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

God leads

I was invited over to my friend Drake's house for a late dinner last night.
We were having the party to say goodbye to our friend Nadyn who is going back to Germany,
but actually a bunch of us are leaving in the next little while.

The remarkable thing is that there were 8 people there and 6 countries were represented.
How amazing that God has called each one here for a season.

I had an old song in my head today as I was walking about.
It's the song, "Shine, Jesus, Shine." The lyrics are:

Shine Jesus shine
Fill this land with the Father's glory
Blaze, Spirit blaze,
Set our hearts on fire
Flow, river flow
Flood the nations with grace and mercy
Send forth Your word
Lord and let there be light.

May our lives point to the Kingdom of Heaven!
May people encounter Jesus!