Saturday, December 27, 2014

Lost in time...

 Hey Friends. My personal computer stopped working so I've only been using my work computer this fall. I figured I should post some pictures from the summer. Here you go...

This was a summer of weddings. I attended 5 weddings in four weekends!
Brayden and Nichelle

A new sister for us! 
At the Rehearsal 

Mekayla and I 

Cally and I

Stacey and I

Look at all those cake pops we made!

McKee Peak in Abbotsford

This is life!

I did this hike a couple times each week in the summer. 

Dave and Chrstine let Judy and I borrow their dog, Cooper for this hike

Elk Mountain in Chilliwack

Back to McKee with Michelle and Keerstin

Praise Him!

thankful for this friend!

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Love and Life Calling

Do you know what's really exciting? Trips? Treats? Trains? Yes, yes, yes all of those are exciting. But the most exciting thing is that recently I've begun to realize and step into the destiny God has for me. Destiny, seems like a weird word- who can define it? I think it refers to being who God calls us to be individually. I feel as if that has been the theme of this blog over the past 8 years. The reoccurring theme that continues to surface is that we find life and joy when we walk in the things God has created us to do. We thrive in those settings and it's this mutual pleasure where our Heavenly Father and us get to "be" together. It's in the "we" that we know Christ's pleasure and we ourselves find purpose.

 So why did I go on a last minute trip to China? Why did I live in Istanbul after finishing my teaching degree? Why did I feel something inside me stirring me to go to the Philippines in March? Why did I decide 6 days prior to going that I needed to be in Ottawa for a conference that my friend David was speaking at? WHY? Why all of this? Why do I work at a Punjabi School, where I am surrounded by colleagues who speak another language than me and who approach the world with a different set of lenses than I? Why? And why did I feel such pleasure when I worked at the coffee shop and met Richard, John, Mary, Vickram and Bob everyday? Why? Because I am supposed to! Because I am meant to travel miles and miles to be in a certain place at a certain time. Because I am meant to bring God's presence to certain settings and because I absolutely believe the same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead resides within me and particular places need the presence of Christ brought there. Because physically being in a place makes a difference. Because we don't know the ripple effect. Because I am meant to be an intercessor- which plainly said, means to talk with God in the places I am and to speak on behalf of particular groups of people. Because I receive joy when I actually do the things Jesus invites me to. 

Now comes the ironic part. I can't always see and hear what God is up to; however, I somehow have this huge Hope and Expectation that God is inviting people closer to himself. I have to have that kind of Hope. Isn't hope the essence of Christ's message? Hope is what often carries me. Hope is why I often make my decisions. Hope beckons me. Hope invites me to participate with Christ. Hope is where I choose to live. 

Hope is where I choose to live! 

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

5-3's top 10!

Top 10 for the 2013- 2014 School Year (5-3) 

10. Joining the kids in DPA (Daily Physical Activity)
9. Seeing the kids' creative juices flow! Especially with science projects and compound machines.  
8. Seeing my students eager to learn about current events and take an interest in Geography. 
7. Being invited to go down the Waterslides with my students and screaming at the top of our lungs!   
6. Teaching 10 virtues and watching my students strive to embody them! 
5. Seeing beautiful Artwork displayed on the walls of the class [masterpieces] 
4. Snowshoeing with my students at Manning Park! 
3. Hearing my class sing Toby Mac's song, "Speak Life." 
2. Receiving a touching book made by Parmeet entitled "27 Things I love about you." 
1. Seeing such a strong reaction to ASLAN from Narnia- claps and cheers for the Hero and Saviour! 

Always a fave

I thought it was about time I shared one of my favourite "Abbotsford Spots" with Breanne.
 She loved it! I'm sure we'll be back. 

Saturday, May 31, 2014

Something New

In my last post I wrote about visiting Gerald in the Philippines. Gerald inspired me. My birthday was in April and when my dad asked me what I wanted for my birthday I said, "A garden!" He built me raised garden bed in the backyard and I'm so excited to try my hands at something new! Two weeks ago Robert joined me on my big outing to Devan Greenhouse to pick out the vegetables that I was going to plant. It was fun to pick out the veggies and "start the garden." On Wednesday Dee came over and helped me officially plant my vegetables. Here we are:

zuccini. cucumbers. 1 squash. kale. spinach. lettuce. carrots. tomatoes. strawberries.  

Thanks for your help, Dee! In an email to Gerald I said that "I hope I get a green thumb!" I'm looking forward to this new hobby and hoping for some fresh yummy veggies! I will keep you posted on how it progresses.

ps. Beauty is all around! just look for it...

Sunday, April 13, 2014

"The Guest"

Gerald is my best friend from University. We met in our second year at TWU while taking a couple of Education courses together. I quickly grew to enjoy his company. Whether it was playing games with a large group of friends, listening to music at his apartment or discussing what we had learned in class, we have always shared a special friendship. And as the saying goes, "opposites attract." He is a "planner;" I'm more spontaneous. He's a diligent student; I prefer to do things the day before. He can be quite sarcastic and me- not so much! He likes to say that I used to give "monologues" but since the days of our early friendship, I'd say I've grown up quite a bit and now talk less and enjoying him more :) We've seen each over the years and although Gerald didn't pursue a degree in Education, our friendship continued. In fact, our friendship spanned the globe, as Gerald took up an internship in Ottawa, went back to the Philippines a few times, lived in Azerbaijan, I went backpacking in South East Asia and then went to Turkey for 8 months. Through it all our friendship has remained. You may remember me posting pictures from when Gerald visited me in Turkey! It's pretty special to have memories with a friend in another country. Well fast forward a bit now and Gerald is back living in the Philippines. God has equipped him to do the exact things he is doing now. He is working at IFL (an orphanage, school, church and garden), primarily working with Emilio in the Garden.

Gerald was back in Canada in December and it was a delight to reconnect with him here. We went to the Christmas tree farm together, Katelyn's bday party, to his church and to the States. I was excited to hear all about what he's doing at IFL and it really sounded like he had found his "sweet spot." He spoke with such enthusiasm and he sounded so ALIVE and excited about what he was doing. I was glad he had found that and I fully supported him in what he was doing.

After Gerald went to the Philippines, I couldn't stop thinking about going there myself! The idea of seeing where he lived made me excited, plus I really needed something to look forward to! So after looking into flights and emailing him... I DECIDED TO GO! SPRING BREAK TRIP= PHILIPPINES! How exciting!

The trip was exactly what I needed! The trip refreshed my soul. 

The best part was seeing a whole new side of Gerald that I didn't know before. Sure, I knew that he was Filipino and something that we've always shared is our value in living the Gospel wherever we are, but I hadn't truly experienced the Filipino side of him before. I was "the guest" and I felt so cared for while I was in the Philippines. Gerald's parents called everyday to see how I was doing and Gerald checked in with me to ensure that my tummy was ok, to make sure the food was ok and to generally get my feedback on how I was. He wanted me to know his beloved country. When we went to church, Gerald translated everything for me. When I was playing with the kids they would come up and offer to refill my water bottle. Everyone wanted me to feel welcome and comfortable.

-for me- from the garden- thanks G!
- Gerald's volleyball team - 
- my twin! -
- crafts - 

Gerald is hard working, generous, someone who takes initiative, and has fallen deeper and deeper in love with God. There is something about working in the garden that's good for your soul. While I was at IFL, I only helped int he garden a couple of hours here and there, but Gerald is such a hard worker! It's amazing to learn just some of the basics of gardening and the science behind farming. It's amazing to work the soil and to see how nature works. You can see God's hand print and you rejoice at how vegetables grow from little seeds.  

I have to admit that I like to go on trips with little expectations. I enjoy seeing what will happen. I enjoy soaking up the moments as they come. This time around God did a lot of healing in my heart and a lot of deeper surrender took place. My friend Anthony decided to fly to Manila with me (he texted me the morning of saying that he bought a ticket and was coming!). It was good to have a friend to travel with. Unfortunately I left my passport in the bathroom in Korea. God spoke to me through that. While at IFL I had also locked my keys in my room on day and it was a strong picture of me saying "I give you my keys God! I give you my life! My life is better in your hands than in my own." The interesting part is that I felt so safe and cared for knowing that Anthony had my passport/ boarding pass with him. Things were better in his hands!  Isn't that funny? You'd think one would want to keep their own things like that, however, I felt better when he had them, my life was safer.  Same with God. Even though I want so much control of my life, it's better when I place things in His hands. 
- Jobert, I miss you. You make me smile. You are special. -
- You have a place in our hearts. -

God has expanded Gerald's heart. God has given him more of a capacity to love. Gerald always puts others before himself. He would share his meal with anyone. He would give of his own so that someone would have enough. He would visit the one who is sick and quarantined. He is the example to me of someone who serves others with a willing heart. He doesn't come back after time away empty handed. His hands are always open and ready to give. Gerald, I desire to be like you. I desire to put action behind my words.  

 Gerald wanted me to try BUKO PIE! Coconut pie. He went to the bakery and they were sold out! How does the "Buko Pie house" sell out of their legendary product?! Instead he got me Pineapple Pie. Pineapple and Pie= two of my favorite things. Yum yummm! 

- G's high school! -
 I was stoked to meet one of Gerald's friends from High School. It was fun to spend the day with Sydney and he graciously offered to drive us around to see some of Manila. The highlight for me was seeing the high school they attended. I think I grabbed Gerald and said, "Gerald, this is your school!" at least 30 times! It felt like two world collided- the Canadian and Filipino Gerald were here in one place and I got to become more acquainted with the places that Gerald calls "home." 
- Passion 2014 in MANILA! - 
When Gerald announced that Passion was coming on Friday night and asked if I wanted to go to the concert, I almost jumped up and down! I have been to two Passion concerts in Vancouver and wasn't able to attend the third time they stopped in Van because I was in Turkey at the time. But isn't it cool that God knows the desires of our heart? God adds to us! I got to worship with 10 000 Filipinos. As we praise the name of Jesus something powerful happens. God gave me a picture of us raising a "White Flag" over the country of the Philippines as we worship. As we lifted Jesus higher, the strongholds that Satan has over the country are defeated and the affects of his reign are weakened. The name of Jesus lifted high is the name that reigns over the Philippines! 

- yep, this is us! - 
- The volcano "Tagaytay" - 

- the Ferris wheel, a sign of adventure, a sign of fun! -  

- Christ is enough - I love this song! - 

The day before I left we got to spend the day with Gerald's dad. We stayed the night at Gerald's Lolo (grandfather)'s house. It's also the house Gerald grew up in. I was thrilled!!!! I felt like there was so much history there and I knew this was the home of Gerald's childhood. Gerald's dad treated me all day and we spent the evening with his relatives. Thank you for inviting me. 

Thank you for the countless ways you showered blessings on me. 
Everyone I met blessed me. I feel like God just kept "adding to me!" 

As I think on my time there I can't help but smile. Across the miles, Gerald and I will always be forever friends. God is a good God. He is faithful and he has placed us each where he wants us. As I think of Gerald, I pray these words, "Father, may he clearly know Your will and achieve the height and depth of spiritual wisdom and understanding. 10 May his life be a credit to You, Lord; and what’s more, may he continue to delight You by doing every good work and growing in the true knowledge that comes from being close to You. 11 Strengthen him with Your infinite power, according to Your glorious might, so that he will have everything he needs to hold on and endure hardship patiently and joyfully.12 Thank You, Father, as You have made us eligible to receive our portion of the inheritance given to all those set apart by the light. 13 You have rescued us from dark powers and brought us safely into the kingdom of Your Son, whom You love 14 and in whom we are redeemed and forgiven of our sins [through His blood]."- Colossians 1