Thursday, July 23, 2009

a few pictures

Me in Chiang Mai- loved that place.
My second elephant ride. These elephants were huge!

Hello Tiger (notice that I am not petting the tiger).

The Ayutthaya Ruins. We had such a fun day biking around the city and exploring the ruins. We also love that we wore brightly coloured shirts this day.

here are some pictures. they're a little old, but realized I haven't posted pics for a long time.


Hello Readers!

So I am entering the last three weeks of the trip. I'm in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia right now and tomorrow I'm heading to Medan, Indonesia.
I just had a relaxing week with my friend Denise. We were able to meet up in Cambodia and then we headed down to Phuket Thailand. We were hoping to get some good sun on the beaches; however, the rainy season is in full swing here, so our plans were somewhat altered. It rained everyday; sometimes only for ten minutes, sometimes all afternoon. I will always remember swimming in Cambodia in the pouring rain. We were able to also see my friend Judy, who is in Phuket. I hadn't seen her since my days at Rick Hansen and so it was such a privilege to get to see her. We were invited to her house for a party. It was neat to hear her speaking Thai with her friends. She is just like I remember - full of life and passion and love for those around her and she has such a generous heart.

Thought of the day: A generous heart demonstrates love; A generous heart shows interest, compassion and value. (Judy is a beautiful example of a generous heart).

God is... GENEROUS!

Thanks Denise for a great, relaxing week. It was a real adventure! Sihanoukville, 13 hour bus trip, sleeping in, your sun burn, Nachos, Transformers, overpriced tuck-tuks, party at Judys, music and dancing in the room! I'm so glad that it worked out for you to come and meet up with me. You're teaching me a lot about listening to the Spirit, asking for ongoing insight from God.

check out denise's blog for a few pics.

Have a great day!!!

Friday, July 17, 2009

To inquire of the father's heart

Let me cry out for insight.
Let me ask you before I make decisions.
Not out of fear. Not out of duty.
Let me love you.
Allow me to hear you.
Teach me to seek you.
Before I make a decision, I want to inquire of your heart.
Do I come to you before I go? or do I go before I come to you?
Teach me to ask.
Teach me to bring even the small things into your hands.
You want to share with your children.
Remind me that you speak when I come to you.
Continue to show me more of the Father's Heart.
When I converse with others, may I bring them before you.
Guide my conversations. Guide my words with each encounter.

This is to walk in God's will.
To walk with him before, during, after.
To commune all the time.
To shift my attention onto His heart.
To know your heartbeat.
To not only know your heartbeat, but to move in sync with it.

This is my desire.

Jeremiah 33:3 (The Message)
2-3"This is God's Message, the God who made earth, made it livable and lasting, known everywhere as God: 'Call to me and I will answer you. I'll tell you marvelous and wondrous things that you could never figure out on your own.'

Jeremiah 33:3 (New Living Translation)
3 Ask me and I will tell you remarkable secrets you do not know about things to come.

Jeremiah 33:3 (New King James Version)
3 ‘Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know.’

You were made for this!

Psalm 57:2

I cry out to God Most High,
to God who will fulfill his purpose for me. (NLT)

I will cry out to God Most High,
To God who performs all things for me. (NKJV)

Thank you Lord that you have specific purposes for me.
Please allow me to bring hope to those around me.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

What do you want?

I've been thinking about all that tourism entails. To be honest, it seems that it is so often only a thing where the tourist extracts and consumes. It seems so self indulgent. I want to see the sights. I want to buy the things. I want to go to this place. I feel that this is so selfish and I fear that when this happens it becomes so easy for people to become commodities. People shouldn't be commodities. When people begin to look past the people, they miss the biggest part of the culture. I want to look into the people- not look past them.