Wednesday, May 30, 2012

From Now On

~A simple flower, 1, 2, 3, can brighten your day so easily~
From now on I think I will always have Fresh-cut flowers in my home. They just bring life to the whole world. Never really thought about it too much at home; however most days here you can find "flower ladies" on the street corners with their selection of fresh-cut flowers! Who could resist, really? Flowers are full of life and brighten any room. They remind me of the Father's design. I got a beautiful bouquet today from Zander's Grade One class as a "Thank You" for teaching them English once a week. What a delight it has been. Think of us on Friday when we have our big "Year-End English Party" and hopefully I'll get my creative juices flowing for party ideas! If you're in need of some colour and life and I've inspired you to get a bouquet of flowers check out either my friend Adrienne at or  the Voogt's at (both located in Bradner, BC). Flowers are good for the soul! Flowers speak hope and life! So... if you want to brighten your day or someone else's, I'd suggest... FLOWERS! ~Enjoy~

1 comment:

Tamara Larson said...

Hey beautiful Victoria,
I love your bright, inspiring posts. I especially loved this one, because guess what?? My mom LOVED fresh-cut flowers; there were always small vases of beautiful fresh-cut flowers placed all around our house when we were growing up. I have made a point over the past few months to have flowers around the house and to surprise and bless people with beautiful, colorful flowers - so the memory of my mom lives on!
I love you Victoria! I love your heart, and I love how openly and freely you share your beautiful life with all of us!
Can't wait to see you soon!
Love and blessings,
Tam xo