Thoughts - Relationships are not about power or control. What good can stem out of a relationship based on control? Relationships are about trust- about the other person. If I want to be in control I am saying that I don't trust the person I am in relationship with. When I give them control, I am showing them that I trust them. Think of Jesus. He trusted his disciples, even though he didn't have to. He could have exerted power over them, but instead he chose to trust them. When we assume full control we are in a way saying that we feel that we could do things better than the other person. We are saying that we believe we are capable by ourselves. I find it difficult to give up control. I find it hard to give up control when I know that we are all human and that we will make mistakes. What if I trust someone else and then they let me down? Again, this is where I have to come back to enjoying the other.
Check out what my dear friend has to say about this:http://paradigmministries.ca/7_1/?p=14. My friend says, "We in our desire to do things right spend most of our energy building structure, outlining responsibilities then holding people accountable. We do not live for the expectancy found in relationship but rather we create expectations both from and within relationship. These can be spoken or not yet they still define key roles and functions. In so doing the most pleasurable part of relationship is lost.We have been created to experience one another. There is a real sense of freedom to be who we are rather than the conformity to the expectations of another. That freedom however is rarely expressed due to the reality that we may long for it but our relationships are not open enough to support it. Thus we constantly second guess the other to determine the level of freedom we can express."
What has God been speaking to me? EVERYTHING STEMS OUT OF INTIMACY WITH THE FATHER. Intimacy is about enjoy the other person. It is about putting them first. It is about bringing out the best in them. It is about calling forth the qualities in the other. It is love and sacrifice. It is not self-seeking. I've been thinking about how God pursues his children. He comes to us, he beckons us into relationship with him and we are invited into relationship with him. It is not a coercive relationship. Good things stem out of intimacy with the father. confidence. peace. security. trust. relationship.
How can I honour those that I am relationship with? Trusting them is key.
~ help me to trust~
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