In the last couple of months I have been thinking a great deal about fitness and healthy living, and I have been inspired to a reconsider how I approach them. Why do we exercise? Why do we pay attention to our bodies and why do we want to make healthy choices? I have been challenged to a new paradigm of thinking where our ultimate reason for doing these things is to honour God with what he has given us- our body! By taking care of what God has given to me, I am honoring him. This has totally revolutionized my thinking because what the media and the world say is so contrary to this way of thinking. We are told that we should exercise to look good for other people and that it will increase our self-image and self-worth if we are skinny and "good looking," but that is so opposite of the way that God views his children. We are made in his image. He takes pleasure in us. We are more than skin deep. We are so precious and valuable in his sight. It is so motivating for me to think of taking care of my body as a response to God- let me worship you with the way that I use my body and the decisions that I make. When the Scriptures talk about our bodies being the Temple of the Holy Spirit, I believe this means that we have the indwelling of the Holy Spirit within us, so I want my response to be to "honour God in my Body" as it says in 1 Corinthians 6:20. Some people have accused me of taking that verse out of context because the preceeding verses relate to sexual immorality; however, I belive this phrase is true in every real of our lives and can be carried over to different sectors. I don't think God compartmentalizes things like we do. We tend to say that one thing only pertains to a certain context, but really, truth should carry over into every realm of our lives. So we can honour God with whatever we choose to do. I've realized that out of this attitude and comes much joy and a real fullness of life. I feel like I have been living life so fully in the last while, by simply embracing this truth that I can honour God with my body and that he views me as a wonderful creation and I don't have to earn that or be a certain way to receive that. I want to walk in light of this. I also want to affirm other poeple in who they are in Christ, as I discover these truths as well. I am alive!

I have also been realizing the value of pursuing godliness. 1 Timothy 4 says, "Have nothing to do with irreverent, silly myths; Rather train yourself for godliness; for while bodily training is of some value, godliness if of value in every way, as it holds promises for the present life and also for the life to come."
* Thanks C for sharing this insight with me. I have a whole new philosophy of fitness. These words have been so challenging and encouraging. May you continuje to gain much favour with those you come in contact with - as you speak into their lives and share this message of beauty and identity in Christ with them *
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