... but I don't think i could poissibly write it all now (12:45am). So i will just share one small thought.
I just bought one of Shane and Shane's Cd's and I'm totally captivated by the chorus to the song "Vision of you," yet at the same time i have some issues with it. Here are the words, "Awaken what's inside of me. Tune my heart to all you are in me. Even though you're here, God come. And may the vision of you be the death of me. And even though you've given everything, Jesus Come."
I love the words "Awaken what's inside of me." I think it's prfound. A lot of what i have been thinking lately has been to do with rebirthing old dreams and daring to dream new ones. I have been thinking that God is not a genie. If we have a dream he doesn't just magically grant it to us. We have to pursue it. To run towards it and see it happen. we need to see how opportunities can be taken advantage of to make this dream a reality. And you know these things that we love (or are passionate about)- the things that get us excited are embedded into who we are. So i'm certain that we need to go after those things and not let them lay dormant. And sometimes we need to give life to them, to breathe into the things that may seem dead and revive them. I almost think the next line should read, "Tune my heart to all I am in you," rather than "Tune my heart to all you are in me" but i understand it both ways. I just think that it should be God focused, not me focused. The next part makes me think. "Even though you're here, God come." To be honest, I love this. We always sing, "Come Lord Jesus Come." but we know that God is all around in the first place. But yet there is something about knowing the active presence of God. It's almost like the words here are saying God I want to be intimate with you right now. I want to sit with my daddy in the rocking chair and commune with you. It is intentional. Overall this song is stirring me. I love it!
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