I've started writing a song on guitar and it comes out of my church experience today. Today I experienced freedom and wept during the entire worship set at church. It came out of watching those around me embrace Christ without restrictions or imposed guidelines. There was real freedom to worship and adore Christ as individuals while meeting together as a community. So my song is just in the works right now. Nothing is set in stone yet. But the first verse describes the boy I was watching worship God. He was a little tiny kid who wanted to run around and sing and dance and move and be a kid. He went up and grabbed the ribbons that were there and didn't even know what he was suppose to do with them, but was so fascinated by them that he knew he wanted to do something with them. So he brought them back to his dad, and together the dad and the sun raised the ribbons and danced and jumped for Jesus. The little boy ran to the front when he saw the piano and started pounding on it, but nobody minded at all. All that mattered was that he had the same right to approach the father as the older people did. It made me laugh and smile and weep to see him so free. In my song I say, "Today he is free to just be." Then I go on to talk about how often times we try to shush kids up in church, to keep things quiet and orderly and act prim and proper, forgetting that God wants the children to come to him as they are. I say in my song, "Dont have to stand up straight, Dont' have to hush and whipser- For a child can come before the King today... as he is." The next verse is still in progress, but it is about the beautiful woman with special needs that I saw who worshipped God in her own way. He innocence and simplicity intrigued me. She didn't overcomplicate things like I tend to do. She was just there, and worshipped as she pleased. She danced and she approached people inviting them to join her in movement. She raised her flag and was without hesitancy. She didn't resist. She just enjoyed. When she overthought things I could see her get confused, so she was just being in each moment. I'm not sure yet, but the chorus goes something like this, "Arise arise arise and worship; commune and delight; rest and wait; create and know your freedom." I was so blown away by the freedom that was in that place this morning. I have never really seen anything like it before. Christ's bride should be free. If it's in you to relate to the father by standing, do that. If you want to kneel- do that. If movement stirs up within you- let it out and dance before the king. If you must rest- be still. If you must cry- let it all out. But I am learning that freedom comes when we express ourselves to God in accordance to who we are. Freedom comes when we live, breathe and create as who Christ designed us to be and Intimacy with the Father comes when we choose to respond to Christ just as we are. Intimacy with the father is our expression of love. So I was shown today that intimacy with my Father comes when I release what is in me to Him. When I give back what is in my heart, I draw close to Him. Let us remember that we Arise, Let all that is within us Arise and worship the King today as His free and beloved children.
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