We have been singing the song lately that Says, "Greater things have yet to come, Greater things are still to be done in this city... We believe. There is no one like our God." I have sung this song with great anticipation and zest, as a declaration that God is at work, or maybe believing that God will be even more at work in the future than he already is now. This song stirs in me high hopes for the future and makes me believe that a mighty movement will happen that will stir in the hearts of Canadians drawing them towards the Fatherheart of God. I believe this to be true; however, today I had a real revelation and a new prayer associated with this song.
I pray that I would see the great things of God NOW- in the present.
I pray that I would see who God is and how he is at work IN OUR MIDST.
I pray that these Great things I see would point me towards knowing and understaning GOD'S CHARACTER.
I pray that I would have the ability to see God's HAND working through people who are being transformed by him.
I pray that I would be able to recognize that the small things are the in and of themselves the great things.
I pray that in my lifetime, in this year, in this month, in this day, I would actually look for what is going on and distinguish them as great things that God is doing.
I pray that I would share with others the GREAT things God is doing in my life. I pray that I would ask poeple what Great things God is doing around them.
I pray that I would have UNVEILED eyes, ready to see God.
I pray that I would wake up knowing that God is UP TO SOMETHING.
I pray that I would not undermine what I consider to be the ordinary.
I pray that I would begin to see how God's greatness is displayed in a variety of ways.
What does it mean for great things to be done today?
What does it mean for God's character to be revealed to me, my friends, my communities, this city, the larger society and what are the implications of this?
How will my life look when I approach life knowing that these lyrics are for today! What will it look like if I look for these Greater things?
What does it mean that God is AT work? What does it mean for God's will to be done in the present? How can this song be song to refelct a larger picture of what God has done and is continuing to do (past, present, future)?
But keep in mind that the greatness of God is not determined by the things that we see. His manifestatons are not him. Just as what we do is not who we are. Even if God did nothing- what would his character be? So what are the characteristics of God? Tell me about his Greatness.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Friday, October 31, 2008

My professor shared this with me yesterday and it was a real source of encouragement.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Monday, July 28, 2008
could it be? real fruit!

July 5, 2008 - God’s Way- Life of the Spirit
Galatians 5:22-23 (Msg). “What happens when we live God’s way? He brings gifts into our lives, much the same way that fruit appears in an orchard- things like affection for others, exuberance about life, serenity. We develop a willingness to stick with things, a sense of compassion in the heart, and a conviction that a basic holiness permeates things and people. We find ourselves in loyal commitments, not needing to force our way in life, able to marshal and direct our energies wisely.”
So I have been reading from the message lately because it is very refreshing for me to see things from a new angle/point of view. It helps my perspective. So I loved what the message had to say here because these are things that I really want my life to exemplify. I thought, “wow, they’ve summed it up.” This represents authenticity. I want to be that person who is real and desires to shower love on others. Do I do this all the time? Is this always my biggest priority? No, it isn’t. But I want these sorts of things to flow out of my life and spill into the lives of those who are around me. So I didn’t even realize until after that this is Eugene Peterson’s interpretation of the fruit of the spirit. I should have known that this was the passage, “love, joy, peace, patience, kindness…” but it wasn’t until after that I made the connection. The way that the message has put it shows how I can practice and display each of these things. It makes it more concrete and tangible and it makes me want to strive to do such things.
Galatians 5:22-23 (Msg). “What happens when we live God’s way? He brings gifts into our lives, much the same way that fruit appears in an orchard- things like affection for others, exuberance about life, serenity. We develop a willingness to stick with things, a sense of compassion in the heart, and a conviction that a basic holiness permeates things and people. We find ourselves in loyal commitments, not needing to force our way in life, able to marshal and direct our energies wisely.”
So I have been reading from the message lately because it is very refreshing for me to see things from a new angle/point of view. It helps my perspective. So I loved what the message had to say here because these are things that I really want my life to exemplify. I thought, “wow, they’ve summed it up.” This represents authenticity. I want to be that person who is real and desires to shower love on others. Do I do this all the time? Is this always my biggest priority? No, it isn’t. But I want these sorts of things to flow out of my life and spill into the lives of those who are around me. So I didn’t even realize until after that this is Eugene Peterson’s interpretation of the fruit of the spirit. I should have known that this was the passage, “love, joy, peace, patience, kindness…” but it wasn’t until after that I made the connection. The way that the message has put it shows how I can practice and display each of these things. It makes it more concrete and tangible and it makes me want to strive to do such things.
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Arise, Worshipper, Arise

I've started writing a song on guitar and it comes out of my church experience today. Today I experienced freedom and wept during the entire worship set at church. It came out of watching those around me embrace Christ without restrictions or imposed guidelines. There was real freedom to worship and adore Christ as individuals while meeting together as a community. So my song is just in the works right now. Nothing is set in stone yet. But the first verse describes the boy I was watching worship God. He was a little tiny kid who wanted to run around and sing and dance and move and be a kid. He went up and grabbed the ribbons that were there and didn't even know what he was suppose to do with them, but was so fascinated by them that he knew he wanted to do something with them. So he brought them back to his dad, and together the dad and the sun raised the ribbons and danced and jumped for Jesus. The little boy ran to the front when he saw the piano and started pounding on it, but nobody minded at all. All that mattered was that he had the same right to approach the father as the older people did. It made me laugh and smile and weep to see him so free. In my song I say, "Today he is free to just be." Then I go on to talk about how often times we try to shush kids up in church, to keep things quiet and orderly and act prim and proper, forgetting that God wants the children to come to him as they are. I say in my song, "Dont have to stand up straight, Dont' have to hush and whipser- For a child can come before the King today... as he is." The next verse is still in progress, but it is about the beautiful woman with special needs that I saw who worshipped God in her own way. He innocence and simplicity intrigued me. She didn't overcomplicate things like I tend to do. She was just there, and worshipped as she pleased. She danced and she approached people inviting them to join her in movement. She raised her flag and was without hesitancy. She didn't resist. She just enjoyed. When she overthought things I could see her get confused, so she was just being in each moment. I'm not sure yet, but the chorus goes something like this, "Arise arise arise and worship; commune and delight; rest and wait; create and know your freedom." I was so blown away by the freedom that was in that place this morning. I have never really seen anything like it before. Christ's bride should be free. If it's in you to relate to the father by standing, do that. If you want to kneel- do that. If movement stirs up within you- let it out and dance before the king. If you must rest- be still. If you must cry- let it all out. But I am learning that freedom comes when we express ourselves to God in accordance to who we are. Freedom comes when we live, breathe and create as who Christ designed us to be and Intimacy with the Father comes when we choose to respond to Christ just as we are. Intimacy with the father is our expression of love. So I was shown today that intimacy with my Father comes when I release what is in me to Him. When I give back what is in my heart, I draw close to Him. Let us remember that we Arise, Let all that is within us Arise and worship the King today as His free and beloved children.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
wow, i have so much to say

... but I don't think i could poissibly write it all now (12:45am). So i will just share one small thought.
I just bought one of Shane and Shane's Cd's and I'm totally captivated by the chorus to the song "Vision of you," yet at the same time i have some issues with it. Here are the words, "Awaken what's inside of me. Tune my heart to all you are in me. Even though you're here, God come. And may the vision of you be the death of me. And even though you've given everything, Jesus Come."
I love the words "Awaken what's inside of me." I think it's prfound. A lot of what i have been thinking lately has been to do with rebirthing old dreams and daring to dream new ones. I have been thinking that God is not a genie. If we have a dream he doesn't just magically grant it to us. We have to pursue it. To run towards it and see it happen. we need to see how opportunities can be taken advantage of to make this dream a reality. And you know these things that we love (or are passionate about)- the things that get us excited are embedded into who we are. So i'm certain that we need to go after those things and not let them lay dormant. And sometimes we need to give life to them, to breathe into the things that may seem dead and revive them. I almost think the next line should read, "Tune my heart to all I am in you," rather than "Tune my heart to all you are in me" but i understand it both ways. I just think that it should be God focused, not me focused. The next part makes me think. "Even though you're here, God come." To be honest, I love this. We always sing, "Come Lord Jesus Come." but we know that God is all around in the first place. But yet there is something about knowing the active presence of God. It's almost like the words here are saying God I want to be intimate with you right now. I want to sit with my daddy in the rocking chair and commune with you. It is intentional. Overall this song is stirring me. I love it!
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
it's been so good!
Today has been a wonderful wonderful day! If everyday could be like today, I would be the happiest person ever. I started the morning off by meeting a friend for coffee at my favorite coffee shop. We had a great conversation, caught up and were just plain honest with what's going on in our lives. Afterwards, I stayed at the shop for a bit to chat with "D". He's a really sincere person and a good listener. He said something that profoundly stuck out to me. I was telling him that I have a lot of questions (Who am I? What do I want to become? What does it mean to be in community? What is important to me? What is essential to my faith? etc.) He said that sometimes we don't find answers. We don't come up with a solid conclusion that we were hoping to get. Instead, the contentment comes when we pursue the questions with God. When we ask the questions to God and with God. The understanding and the assurance comes when we are walking with Him. He may help us answer some of our questions, he may just reveal things to us in a certain way that will change the way that we approach the question. He may have a fresh revelation one day and then the next time we pursue that question find something else new and exciting. That's the joy of pursuing life's questions with God. I find that to be such a good word. He is My Jesus who is with me. So after coffee, I went to work for five hours. A great shift. It would be grand to just work five hours a day! After work, I practiced some guitar and listened to my mom talk about how proud she is of my brother for registering for University. Her kids are growing up and she's one proud mamma. I'm sure that's such a special thing to be watching your children grow up and make decisions. I could see how happy she was. It was one of those moments where I thought she might cry again (just like when she was so proud of me for getting my driver's lisence). So afterwards I went over to "M's" house for dinner- an adapted Korean Feast! yummy yummy. It was nice to share a meal with a friend and eat from caserole containers. Then, before we started my guitar lesson, I got to hear one of M's original worship songs. Again, I fell in love with it. This song was about, "Jesus, my Jesus" and Him walking before us, and us resting in Him. I don't know how he does it, but the lyrics of his songs always speak to me. These ones spoke once again to where I was at. It's almost like sometimes I want to cry when I hear them because they are so beautiful. I love hearing the stories that are behind the songs, it helps. But I also love making the songs mine and just sitting back, closing my eyes and enjoying them. His music is so refreshing. Anyway, after the worship song he played another one that's still in the works. So I was hoping he would have had more, but unfortunately I was sort of left hanging. I loved the words- something to the extent of, "Beloved, don't give up your dreams." I like to think, "Beloved (daughter), you are Mine, and your dreams are specially unique to you. Embrace them and don't forget them. Look for avenues to see them be fulfilled. Find joy and be who you are created to be." Then I had my guitar lesson and made some progress today. That's always good. I reviewed my chords and the strum pattern and then worked on a new strum pattern and transitioning between chords. After an hour my fingers were sore. ahhh. This was such a good day. I think I forgot to mention that the sun was shining and it actually felt like summer. It was even late until 10 tonight. I feel so alive and so refreshed! so it's the end of the day- 11:24 pm and I think I should end by praising God for the poeple he's placed in my life, and the day of joy and encouragement. My Song, "It's in times like these- It's in times like these where there are so many questions, so much spinning 'round in my head. So much already seen and already learned, but yet so much more to come. I want to be so free. I want to be alive- alive and awestruck by the One who knows me. It's in times like these where I look at the past. I think about who I was and where I've come from. It's in times like these where I look at everything around me and say. I want to be so free. i want to be alive- alive and awestruck bythe One who knows me. It's in this time- in this time where life is going so so well. The meaningful converstaion along the way. The whisper in my ear from the One who knows me. The dreams that come to pass, so I can be so free. I can be alive- and asestruck by the One who knows me." (maybe more will come, these words just came to mind at the moment. But I've been thinking of the line, "In times like these" for the last little while."). So there we have it... a GREAT day! Praise God for today!
Friday, May 30, 2008
old draft that i never posted, but the thoughts still remain...
thoughts at the moment,
I want to be a Dream Catcher- to catch the dreams that God has for me. to dream great dreams- to retrieve old ones; to do things that I'm passionate about; to live full and abundantly; to see what is around the corner; to be willing to put myself out there; to be someone with heart, compassion, love, words of encouragment and a genuine interest in others. I want to journey together with others, be actively involved in relationships with others.
I want to be a Dream Catcher- to catch the dreams that God has for me. to dream great dreams- to retrieve old ones; to do things that I'm passionate about; to live full and abundantly; to see what is around the corner; to be willing to put myself out there; to be someone with heart, compassion, love, words of encouragment and a genuine interest in others. I want to journey together with others, be actively involved in relationships with others.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Happy Mother's Day!
Sunday, May 18, 2008
having a blast!

I'm in Okanagan Falls for the Long weekend with three friend- soaking up the sun, enjoying one another's company and enjoying not having an agenda with anything planned- but rather just doing whatever we feel like doing. It's so beautiful here, and so realxing and enjoyable to be with friends. It's nice to get away and do nothing. It's nice to spend time outdoors with friends. We have spent our time lying on the beach, taking afternoon naps, playing Bocce, watching movies, going for walks and playing with the dogs. Ahhh, it's so relaxing! I love it!
I will post pictures when I get home... but for now I'm just gonna post this picture, that I took from google that illustrates how I feel right now- enjoying the moment and having fun!
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Yippee I got a Camera!
Saturday, April 19, 2008
A few words
Friday, April 18, 2008
"You are Special"
"You are Special" - By Max Lucado
"Every day I've been hoping you'd come, "Eli explained.
"I came because I met someone who had no marks," said Punchinello.
"I know. She told me about you."
"Why don't the stickers stay on her?"
The maker spoke softly.
"Because she has decided that what I think is more important than what they think. The stickers only stick if you let them."
"The stickers only stick if they matter to you. The more you trust my love, the less you care about their stickers."
"I'm not sure I understand."
Eli smiled. "You will, but it will take time. You've got a lot of marks.
For now, just come to see me everyday and let me remind you how much I care."
Eli lifted Punchinello off the bench and set him on the ground.
Eli said as the Wemmick walked out the door,
"you are speical because I made you. And I don't make mistakes."
Punchinello didn't stop, but in his heart he thought, I think he really means it.
Monday, April 14, 2008
just a little stressed
I can't believe I still have so much to do. What have I been doing lately? Why can't I focus? Why can't I just get things accomplished? To do: Tonight = write Poly Sci paper (7 pages), tomorrow= text set, study for POLS exam that is on Wednesday. I need determination. I need to get things done, and do them well. Get focused Victoria!
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
okay, I accept it
So yesterday i finally decided to embrace this journey... so here it goes... I will not plough through it. I do want to listen- to practice listening.
here i go...

Wednesday, April 2, 2008
"Everything You hold in Your Hand"
Chris Tomlin- Unfailing Love

You have my heart
and I am yours forever
You are my strength
God of Grace and power
And Everything you hold in your hand
Still you make time for me
I can't understand
Praise you God of earth and sky
How beautiful is your unfailing love
Unfailing love
And you never change God you remain
The Holy one and my unfialing love
Unfailing love
You are my rock
The one I hold on to
You are my song
And I sing for you
Everything you hold in your hand
Still you make time for me
I can't understand
Praise you God of earth and sky
How beatuiful is your unfailing love, unfailing love
And you never change, God you remain
The holy one, My unfailing love, Unfailing love"
It's so true. God holds everything in his hand. When so much is going on. When I have so many things to do- so many committments, and involvments, so much on my mind, so much to think about, to plan for, to fit into my schedule, so much information, almost overload- still God holds me in his hands. Still God protects me. Still He know my moments; my worries; my stresses and He cares about them too. 1 peter 5:7 "Give all your worries and cares to God, for he Cares about you."
* everything* yes* everything* you * hold* in * your * hand*

You have my heart
and I am yours forever
You are my strength
God of Grace and power
And Everything you hold in your hand
Still you make time for me
I can't understand
Praise you God of earth and sky
How beautiful is your unfailing love
Unfailing love
And you never change God you remain
The Holy one and my unfialing love
Unfailing love
You are my rock
The one I hold on to
You are my song
And I sing for you
Everything you hold in your hand
Still you make time for me
I can't understand
Praise you God of earth and sky
How beatuiful is your unfailing love, unfailing love
And you never change, God you remain
The holy one, My unfailing love, Unfailing love"
It's so true. God holds everything in his hand. When so much is going on. When I have so many things to do- so many committments, and involvments, so much on my mind, so much to think about, to plan for, to fit into my schedule, so much information, almost overload- still God holds me in his hands. Still God protects me. Still He know my moments; my worries; my stresses and He cares about them too. 1 peter 5:7 "Give all your worries and cares to God, for he Cares about you."
* everything* yes* everything* you * hold* in * your * hand*
Monday, March 31, 2008
it's now!
We're nearing the end of the semester. Only 10 days of classes left. My birthday is in 9 days. wohooo! This morning as I was driving, I was thinking of what I want to do on my birthday- I have class from 10-4... but maybe it would be nice to go out for breakfast and start my morning off in an exciting way! In terms of big assignments for school, this is what I still have: Sociology Debate (Tomorrow), Book Review (Thursday), Language Arts Text Set (next week), Political Science Paper (Last Day of Class)... oh i just can't wait to be finished. Also, two more days of practicum... then exams, then summer. Next year, I will be in my fourth year of university and graduating with one degree. I can't believe it.
Here's my thought for the week: "God's way is better!" pursuing God. Proverbs 8: 34-35, wisdom's call: "Blessed is the man who listens to me, watching daily at my doors, waiting at my doorway. For whoever finds me finds life and receives favour from the Lord." Psalm 84:10, "Better is one day in your courts than a thousand elsewhere; I would rather be a housekeeper in the house of my God than dwell in the tents of the wicked."
get me back. keep me close.
We're nearing the end of the semester. Only 10 days of classes left. My birthday is in 9 days. wohooo! This morning as I was driving, I was thinking of what I want to do on my birthday- I have class from 10-4... but maybe it would be nice to go out for breakfast and start my morning off in an exciting way! In terms of big assignments for school, this is what I still have: Sociology Debate (Tomorrow), Book Review (Thursday), Language Arts Text Set (next week), Political Science Paper (Last Day of Class)... oh i just can't wait to be finished. Also, two more days of practicum... then exams, then summer. Next year, I will be in my fourth year of university and graduating with one degree. I can't believe it.
Here's my thought for the week: "God's way is better!" pursuing God. Proverbs 8: 34-35, wisdom's call: "Blessed is the man who listens to me, watching daily at my doors, waiting at my doorway. For whoever finds me finds life and receives favour from the Lord." Psalm 84:10, "Better is one day in your courts than a thousand elsewhere; I would rather be a housekeeper in the house of my God than dwell in the tents of the wicked."
get me back. keep me close.
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Monday, March 10, 2008

This last week I have been so encouraged by the life-giving words that others have given to me. Those words are refreshing and affirming.
I went out for coffee with a friend of mine and he just challenged me to press on. He just affirmed where I am and the direction that I'm heading in. He told me that he is excited for the point in time that I find myself at. These are important moments. He encouraged me to step back and gain perspective by seeing the bigger picture. Sometimes our view of life can be so limited when we just have a close up view of the things that surround us. I want to gain fresh perspective and a wider picture.
On Saturday night at the House church, I was encouraged by words from J and H. J said, "The Lord has bought you at a really high price, but you are worth every penny to Him." And H said a few things:
"You will run into Christ everywhere you go."
She saw a helmet on my head, signifying that the Lord will protect my mind
He is giving more grace...
"You are at such an awesome time in your life."
How encouraging!
Saturday, March 8, 2008
Taking a Break
I have decided to take a break from FACEBOOK.
I am wasting too much time on it and it is really giving me a feeling of disconnect.
I'm sick of mediums that are used to "bring people together."
If you want to get a hold of me, you are welcome to call me up, email me or just meet for real.
Hopefully I can handle not going on facebook.
I am wasting too much time on it and it is really giving me a feeling of disconnect.
I'm sick of mediums that are used to "bring people together."
If you want to get a hold of me, you are welcome to call me up, email me or just meet for real.
Hopefully I can handle not going on facebook.
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
I don't want to be
apathy- noun- 1. absense or suppression of passion, emotion, or excitement 2. lack of interest in or concern for things that others find moving or exciting.
Today in my contemporary social issues class we were talking about WHY we even bother trying to solve social issues. One girls said, that if we are inherently evil, why strive to promote good? She said that the underlying tendency of evil makes our efforts seem in vain. She was wrestling with coming up with a reason to even bother taking action against social problems when our work may not even seem profitable. She has a point. But it seems like such a cynical viewpoint. I then raised my hand and offered my insight. If we we to just throw our hands in the air and give up on responding to social problems, then we would be guilty of becoming an apathetic people. I don't want to be apathethic. I think apathy is worse than trying to take action and promote justice. Apathy is like complacency- dangerous! My professor responded to my comment and said that he believes that we ought not be apathetic because the nature of God does not equate to being apathetic. God does not embody a "who cares" attitude. He wants to restore, He wants to redeem, he is concerned about bringing aobut justice and wholeness. As a Christ follower, I want to pray, "God help me work and act towards responding to issues in ways that would parallel the nature of Christ. Help me to not be apathetic, to not give up... but help me to embody justice. May we recognize that we should WANT to value social concerns. May we not be suppressed or disillusioned into thinking that there is no point. It is important to act towards restoration justice because it matters to God. God has not adopted an apathetic attitude towards humanity, so we should embrace the restorative heart of God as well."
Today in my contemporary social issues class we were talking about WHY we even bother trying to solve social issues. One girls said, that if we are inherently evil, why strive to promote good? She said that the underlying tendency of evil makes our efforts seem in vain. She was wrestling with coming up with a reason to even bother taking action against social problems when our work may not even seem profitable. She has a point. But it seems like such a cynical viewpoint. I then raised my hand and offered my insight. If we we to just throw our hands in the air and give up on responding to social problems, then we would be guilty of becoming an apathetic people. I don't want to be apathethic. I think apathy is worse than trying to take action and promote justice. Apathy is like complacency- dangerous! My professor responded to my comment and said that he believes that we ought not be apathetic because the nature of God does not equate to being apathetic. God does not embody a "who cares" attitude. He wants to restore, He wants to redeem, he is concerned about bringing aobut justice and wholeness. As a Christ follower, I want to pray, "God help me work and act towards responding to issues in ways that would parallel the nature of Christ. Help me to not be apathetic, to not give up... but help me to embody justice. May we recognize that we should WANT to value social concerns. May we not be suppressed or disillusioned into thinking that there is no point. It is important to act towards restoration justice because it matters to God. God has not adopted an apathetic attitude towards humanity, so we should embrace the restorative heart of God as well."
Sunday, March 2, 2008
i never told you about the eventful morning
Hello, sorry it's been a long time... I think I forgot to post my story about my "eventful morning" and tell you the story about the rest stop sign that i had posted earlier... so although it's a bit late, i will try to tell it now. you may have already heard it by this point though, but that's okay.
so it was a tuesday morning and i had an 8am class. I was on my way to school, with K, the girl that I carpool. And i started to get a bleeding nose. i didn't want to make a big deal about it though, and was sort of embarassed to say something, so i just kept sniffling and hoping that it would go away. I didn't have any tissue in my car or did I have a sweatshirt or anything else that would have provided some help for the situation. but then all of a sudden, it started gushing out... and blood was coming all over the place. we were right by the rest stop near aldergrove... so well quickly got off the freeway. I ran out of the car and started to clean up. Now, Rest stops sort of have a reputation of being sort of sketchy... so K thought it was unwise for either of us to be by ourselves... so she locked my car doors and came running to see how I was doing. The unfortunate part is that she locked my keys in my car when she did this. Out of her good intention, she forgot about my keys... so there we were! the two of us, stuck at the rest stop at 7:40 am; me with a bloody nose and neither of us with a cell phone. we were too afriad to ask one of the truckers for help though. so we tried the pay phone. called home collect but there was no answer... so we had to ask someone for help... finally we got a hold of my grandparents and they came and brought me a spare key! so i missed my first class and had an eventful morning instead. poor K felt so bad... but it was okay, sort of made a good story to tell. And the moral of the story is: keep kleenex in your car!
so it was a tuesday morning and i had an 8am class. I was on my way to school, with K, the girl that I carpool. And i started to get a bleeding nose. i didn't want to make a big deal about it though, and was sort of embarassed to say something, so i just kept sniffling and hoping that it would go away. I didn't have any tissue in my car or did I have a sweatshirt or anything else that would have provided some help for the situation. but then all of a sudden, it started gushing out... and blood was coming all over the place. we were right by the rest stop near aldergrove... so well quickly got off the freeway. I ran out of the car and started to clean up. Now, Rest stops sort of have a reputation of being sort of sketchy... so K thought it was unwise for either of us to be by ourselves... so she locked my car doors and came running to see how I was doing. The unfortunate part is that she locked my keys in my car when she did this. Out of her good intention, she forgot about my keys... so there we were! the two of us, stuck at the rest stop at 7:40 am; me with a bloody nose and neither of us with a cell phone. we were too afriad to ask one of the truckers for help though. so we tried the pay phone. called home collect but there was no answer... so we had to ask someone for help... finally we got a hold of my grandparents and they came and brought me a spare key! so i missed my first class and had an eventful morning instead. poor K felt so bad... but it was okay, sort of made a good story to tell. And the moral of the story is: keep kleenex in your car!
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
An Eventful Morning
Monday, February 18, 2008
Today is beautiful ~ Psalm 118:24 , "This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it."
I am reminded to seek God. This week I pray, "God I want to see your face, I want to hear your voice. I want to know you." I don't know how I will know him this week... sometimes he shows himself in ways that we don't expect. But I will look. Jeremiah 29:13, "You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart."
I am reminded to seek God. This week I pray, "God I want to see your face, I want to hear your voice. I want to know you." I don't know how I will know him this week... sometimes he shows himself in ways that we don't expect. But I will look. Jeremiah 29:13, "You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart."
Sunday, January 20, 2008
I am needing you and i'll be needing you a lifetime long

I was reminded of this song today. I love the lyrics.
Needing You - Vicky Beeching
Father you are my shelter, you are my place to rest and hide
Father you're my creator, You are the one who gives me life
I can't life without you, not even for a day
Laying down my pride I simply say
I am needing you and I'll be needing you a lifetime long
I am needing you as I offer up this fragile song
In my weakness you are strong
In my weakness you are strong.
Monday, January 7, 2008
Where I See God

Where do you see God? How does He reveal Himself to you in a way that you understand?
Many people see God through nature. when they are on a hike. or gazing at the stars. or skiing on the mountain top. or reflecting by the ocean. these are all ways that people see God through nature. I admit that I do see God through his creation, but it's not actually where I see Him the most.
I see God through people.
I see God in the face and the life of those I encounter.
I see Christ in their eyes, in their skin, in their smile.
I see Christ's love and I see his hand at work enabling that person to live, move, breathe, and be who He created them to be.
I see how they are part of a larger story- one that God created and thought into being.
It's hard to explain.
This is how Shane Claiborne has said it because he see God through people as well. " Over and over, the dying and the lepers would whisper the mystical word namaste in my ear…They explained to me that namaste means ‘I honor the Holy One who lives in you’…Was it possible…that in my eyes, they could catch a glimpse of the image of my Lover?"
The Word Namaste describes my feelings exactly. I see Christ in you. I see the living God through you. I see the complexity of God through you. I see his infinity. I see his gentleness. I see his depth. I see his character through you.
Last week I had several encounters with people where I thought Namaste while and after conversing with them. I had the privilege of meeting a man in the park last week, and chatting with him- a complete stranger. But yet, I learned from him. yet, I looked into his eyes and saw Christ. While I was in God's presence yesterday, many people's faces to mind who I know, and with each one came the word, "NAMASTE." With each person that I envisioned, I saw Christ. But I questioned God and asked, How can it be Namaste when that person doesn't even know you? But still, God answered the question by showing me that he is at work, that he created them, that he is near to them, but they may just have to reach out to him, that maybe they don't know God yet, but they will. I felt assured. I feel confident enough to say that I see Christ in them.
Look for Christ today. Look for Him in the ordinary. Ask Him where he is to be found. God is all around- but there are some ways that speak to our hearts louder than others.
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