Monday, March 25, 2013

List of Awesome!

A number of weeks ago for staff devotions, J shared about the "Book of Awesome!" This book reminds people to look at those little things each day that brighten our lives. Some examples shared were finding money in your jacket pocket (awesome!), giving a baby a high 5 (awesome!), getting two candies from a vending machine when you only put in the coins for 1 (awesome!), and the list goes on and one. I decided to do this as a class and definitely enjoyed the responses I got from the students in my class.

This past week I took a little Spring Break Holiday. Although Saskatchewan and Manitoba aren't exactly your typical vacation destinations over Spring Break, I had been planning for and looking forward to this trip for quite some time because I was visiting some people who are dear to me. The first leg of my trip was in Saskatchewan, visiting the B family who I spent last year with in Tky. I love them to bits. Ruthie knows exactly what I love and thoughtfully planned out what we would do, where I would sleep, what we would eat, and where we would go. She is a lovely host! While I was there, I decided to keep a "list of awesome!" It's amazing to have that kind of approach to life. Keeping the list of awesome has caused me to pause and consider what the Father has put in my life.

Some of my list of awesome from my time in Saskatchewan:

- Finding cards made for me from the kids when I arrived... awesome!
- Finding Abbie and Caleb waiting for me outside of my bathroom the morning I woke up... awesome!
- Sledding in Saskatchewan... awesome!
- Walking into church and hearing one of my favourite songs being played... awesome!
- A king sized bed... awesome!
- Abbie losing a tooth while I was visiting... awesome!
- Lots of hugs and love from the kids... awesome!
- Ruth's cooking... always awesome!
- The familiar worship songs being played from Matt's ipod... awesome!
- Being there when Abbie got her ears pierced... awesome!
- Dessert... awesome!
- Not setting an alarm... awesome!
- Snow pants... awesome!
- Caleb telling me that I mean the world to him... awesome!

My life is blessed! I am rich because of the people God has brought my way!

On Wednesday I took the Greyhound (8.5 hours) from Regina to Winnipeg. I visited my friend Brenda, who I met back in 2004 when we sang together in the choir at church. Brenda and I had fun going in the hot tub, working at her shop, going to the symphony, and... Going to Kenny's farm!

I had never seen baby calves up close like that before.
After seeing the little calves I got to go snowmobiling for the first time. I love firsts!

So what was your "awesome moment" today?
Take a moment to consider it... and thank the Father!


Wes and Ruth Braun said...

This post is soo awesome!!
Love from the other Ruth or the older one

Trev and Rebekah said...

Sounds fun! Glad you were able to connect with them!