Last Sunday I went showshoeing at Manning Park. It was the perfect day. The temperature was -9 and there was not a cloud in the sky. Blue sky and Beatuiful British Columbia= perfect. What a spectacular way to worship. We had a good group of people and thanks to Cheryl, I had a pair of snowshoes to use. It was fun to meet new people and enjoy the great outdoors. The entire day was worship. I speak on behalf of the group and say that we delighted in God's creation. I really enjoyed getting out there with a group of people that I didn't really know before either. We even got to share some of our lunch with the birds. We held out our hands, full of trail mix and the birdies swooped down to grab some munchies. That was cool! After coming home, we ate dinner and then were invited to Ryan's to go in the hot tub and then enjoy some cinnamon buns. Again, perfect! We had a great discussion about work, rest, delighting in God and being fully alive- some of my favourite topics! One thought was about how God spent day 7 resting. We talked about how he didn't have to do that, afterall he is God and could probably just keep going. We talked about how God always reflected on His creation when he said that it was good. This reinforced my stance on just how vital and enriching it is for us to pause and consider where we've been and to process and reflect on the journey. Reflection encourages growth. Reflection allows us to gain perspective and see things more accurately. It reminded me of why I blog!
We talked about how good it is to take the time to delight in beautiful things.
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