Thursday, September 13, 2012


It's been my word of the week.
What does it mean?
not restricted; without reservation; full; entire.
frank; open; complete; sincere.
I love this.
I've been thinking about how important it is to "say what you need to say."
When we could shy away from what we want to say, or when we could be too scared to compliment someone or give someone a word of encouragement, say thanks or tell someone how much he/ she means to us, it's better to be unreserved and just do it.
A little word goes a long way.
Just say it.
My friend, Tamara, who inspires me and many others wrote this poem and the theme goes along these lines. I hope she doesn't mind that I share her poem.
People are good.
People are beautiful!
Embrace the people in your life,
Reach out
Speak up. Speak out.
Say what you are thinking
Share what you have always thought
Express what is in your heart
Be bold. Be brave.
Sometimes words are not enough, but sometimes, words,
when used, intertwined with love
Have the ability to transform lives,
to shed light, hope and inspiration.
Let people know how you feel...
how wonderful you think they are
Say "thank you"
You just never know, the impact you might have,
Risk. Open up.
Dare to be a difference
Take a chance to impact a life
Do it now.
People need you.
The abiity we, as humans have, to help those around us,
to care for those around us, to love those around us
gives life meaning, gives life purpose
for without eachother
family, friend, or stranger,
we are lost.
We all have the ability
to impact one another...
To connect,
and for that,
* shout out today to Lydia, a special roommate. My first and best roommate.
Shouts to Luella, a wise woman whose presence is so refreshing.
Shouts to Curtis, encouraging me and and challenging me to choose the gateway to Life.
Shouts to Judy for being like an older sister to talk with.
Shouts to Louis, a constant friend.
Props to those who have recently decided to do something "RISKY" or "Unreserved"-
Alanna and Kevin, Breanne, Mike W., Denise, Tamara.
I'm proud of you.


Louis said...

You are awesome Vic! sooo true! You have that John Mayer song "say what you need to say" stuck in my head and I LOVE It! hope you are having a great week!

matt&ruth said...

Unreserved - great word!

koralee said...

Happy Weekend!!! What a special treat to find your blog today...I love it! I also love your word today...I think I need to add a bit of this "unreserved" into my life...lets use it to encourage all when we can!!!! Hugs and enjoy the great weather...we are off to the pumpkin patch today...yahoooooooo! xoxo