Congratulations Franny & Will
I wish I could be there with you to celebrate this special day.
Franny and I have known each other since we were little kids. We grew up going to Sunday School together, went to Elmentary School together and went to High School together. Here we are in Irma's Sunday Sunday School class. I'm the girl front left, kneeling down and Franny is standing behind me. I remember one time when we were kids and went over to Franny's neighbor's house to play, without informing our moms. I think they were pretty worried about us. After searching the neighbourhood, a mom starts to get worried! We were just having a ball playing together.
This is one of my favourite pictures.I can't believe how dark I was! WOWEE!!
This picture was is from when we went to Creation Fest. Remember when I went delerious from the heat? Remember how we were so unprepared- eating crackers all weekend? Oh that was funny. I remember Franny and I talking about worship and Franny desiring to fully express her all to Jesus in worship. May we really do this, in whatever setting we may find ourselves in, in whatever way that may look.
At the Tulip Festival.
We aren't Granny's yet, but we were "getting our Granny on" and joining all the rest of them at the tulip festival. We had a fun time prancing through the tulip fields. I think back to the sleepovers the four of us (Franny, Grace, Sarah and I) would have in High School- spending a million years picking out a movie from the bottom of the hill and then taking over Grace's loft room. You can't forget the "ab workouts" when we'd just laugh our heads off. In high school, I think we were also all introduced to Chai Lattes at City Blends, who knew I'd later work there? We would sit around and ask all of our questions about the Bible and then we'd ask our youth Pator, Matt, all of our unanswered questions. I love that we've always asked each other "Life's Questions." I love that we've always been "in it together."
This picture is from Grace and Tim's wedding last summer.
Now as Franny and Will get married, we are all excited about what their future will hold. Will has always been someone people like having around. Remember driving to CLA together Will to meet up with the others for Church? My prayer for you two is that you would
RECEIVE - from each other all that the other is offering
RECEIVE- from the Father all the good things he has for your life together
RECOGNIZE- how blessed you are!
RISK- don't be afraid to jump. You have each other. It will be good!
Congratulations! Enjoy your special day.
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