but I have fallen in Love with it. The words say:
"You send every wave from the palm of Your hand,
as they come tumbling, crashing up on to the sand
As you move everything EXACTLY where You want it to be.
God give me the power to show themYour face,
Help me to shine Your Light, Your Mercy and Grace.
Put me where You want me today-
make me like a wave." - (emphasis added)
Let the words speak to you too. If we are in the palm of God's hand, we have nothing to worry about. If we stay with Him, he will lead us. It's amazing how he has set the earth in motion and continues to make the sun rise and set each day. A couple of weeks ago, when I was chatting on the phone with Dave, I was telling him about wanting to have a job lined up for September. I was anxious becuase a school had responded positively to my application and requested an interview from me. I was restless! I was waiting for them to arrange an interview time (across the globe) and it turns out they never did. WHAT? Why didn't they follow through? I was a bit disappointed. However, I began thinking. That must not be the place God wants me in September. He has another thing planned. And the door that will open will be the right one (although sometimes He opens several and gives us choice, just because). All this to say that God leads the waves in their path of going back and forth (is there a word for that?) I know that's called the tide... but you know what I mean. It's God who sets that in motion. Humans don't arrange it. It's the creator of the universe. What a magnificent phenomenon. So, what happens in our lives? The God of the waves, can put me exactly where he wants me to be.
In my last post, I talked about claiming things that belong to us. Let me unpack that a little. It means (to me) that God has things he wants to give to us (fulfilled dreams, joy, fruit of the Spirit, healing, reconciliation, etc.) and he holds them with open hands toward us. Now the choice remains ours. Like when Jesus offered us salvation, He extended his hands toward us and we received. In the same manner, I believe some of the passions, desires and hopes we have within us are available for us to receive from the Father. I believe there is so much power in speaking these things out. Vocalizing dreams, sets them in motion. This reminds me of Grace and when she physically wrote out her Dreams on her bedroom wall. You think when we vocalize something (we hope for), we must already have enough faith that it has the potential to become a reality. He already knows the desires of our hearts. But we approach Him and make our requests known to our daddy and, yes, indeed he acknowledges us. Coming before Him, vocalizing, is vital becuase I think it actually increases our own faith. It's funny.
This post was all over the place, but I was trying to convey the message that
it's God who moves things. It's Him.
Now my response is:
"Put me where You want me [today]."
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