Friday, March 23, 2012

Be Bold!

Hey Readers! I decided to get my hair cut.
Let me recap the whole Kuafor (hairdresser) experience for you.
Well springtime has sprung and the weather has been beautiful this week. I've been thinking of getting my haircut for the last little while. I like it long, but honestly don't know how to really manage it and just end up putting it in a pony tail (well one of my nice side-pony's... but that was getting pretty boring). I could not get the idea out of my head on Wednesday, and then I ended up getting Thursday morning off. Perfect! I had an
opportunity to go to the Kuafor!

The thing is that it took a lot of COURAGE to go. First of all you may or may not know that I've never been to the "real hairdresser" since my mom has always cut my hair. So this was a first. Secondly, you know haircuts usually result in tears at somepoint for me, as I am super impatient and indecisive, which don't make for a good combination at the salon. Thirdly, this act took a lot of boldness because I can barely speak T..kish- so you can only imagine how I felt about trying to describe what I wanted with pretty much only hand gestures. Oh boy!

Anyways, most hairdressers are men here. I went to the one right behind my
house. I walked in and said some words that I hoped made a sentence that made
sense; however, I later learned that I said, "I say English" not "I speak English." Close enough to what I wanted to convey. I just wanted them to know that I couldn't speak their language, so this language barrier stood in the way of me being able to easily communicate what I wanted to.
Anyways, the young guy washed my hair and then the guy, probably in his 30s, came and cut it. I guestured that I wanted it shoulder length and that I wanted the back shorter than the front. After his first snip off the back I gave a very freightened face, and the poor guy probably thought he had just done the worst thing ever; however, it was all good. I was just nervous! He did a great job. Once it was shoulder length I wanted to go shorter. He kept showing me the back
in the mirror, which was nice of him. I was on edge though. The whole thing was pretty nerve racking. I wasn't offered tea- like the other customers- probably because I looked too intense!
But I'm so pleased with how it turned out! I just kept saying
"Cok (pronounced choke) guzel!" which means very pretty/ nice.
He could tell I was happy with it...

Then got my eyebrows threaded... and walked out paying 40 lira ($24).

So there we go... my short hair is back! Hope it's easy enough to maintain!
This is also the background description of my facebook status that I put up yesterday
- "Today is a good day to be BOLD!"

Another bold thing I did yesterday was join Dave in leading singing for a
prayer meeting at in the evening- and we weren't singing in English!
I sometimes just looked at the lyrics, and thought "oh boy!" that's a mouthful... but singing is
surprisingly easy because the words are broken up by syllable with the melody.
It was a great honour to be asked to join Dave and step out.
So there we have it folks... a new hairstyle.
Don't let anything hold you back.
Language won't hold me back. I conquered the Kuafor!
Language won't hold me back. I worshipped with all my heart!
"ışık babası sevinirsin çocuklarınla"
(I'll leave you to google translate that one if you want).

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

I am Yours

During my time here, I've had a few themes that have stuck out in my mind. God gives me these little phrases to hold on to and remind myself
1. of who He is
2. that He is near
3. of who I am

One of the key prhases throughout has been, "I am Yours." A few songs contain these song lyrics, incuding Brian Johnson's song, "Love Came Down." I keep going back to these words.

"I am Yours, I am forever Yours.

Mountain high or valley low,

I sing out, remind my soul, that I am Yours, I am forever Yours! I am Yours, I am Yours, For all my days, Jesus I am Yours."

I wonder how I could manage on my own, without the knowledge of the love of my Saviour. The world pulls at us in so many directions and each person wrestles with different things that speak against his/ her worth and identity. I see many people walking around with the weight of the world on their shoulders and I see the accusations the enemy speaks against people and how those get a stronghold on individuals.

What happens when we sit and bask in the love of the Father? What happens we we re-discover the abounding love of a faithful Father? Our identity is found as sons and daughters of a high King. If God is the King of Kings and we are his children, what does that make us? Worthy! Crowned! Honoured! Princess! Prince!

My Big Milestone Birthday is quickly approaching. Less than 3 weeks and I will be 25!

I think my new theme verse this year will be Psalm 139. I went back to it on Sunday when I felt a little shaky in my identity. I needed to hear these words.

New International Version (NIV)Psalm 139
1 You have searched me, LORD, and you know me. 2 You know when I sit and when I rise; you perceive my thoughts from afar. 3 You discern my going out and my lying down; you are familiar with all my ways. 4 Before a word is on my tongue you, LORD, know it completely. 5 You hem me in behind and before, and you lay your hand upon me. 6 Such knowledge is too wonderful for me, too lofty for me to attain. 7 Where can I go from your Spirit? Where can I flee from your presence? 8 If I go up to the heavens, you are there; if I make my bed in the depths, you are there. 9 If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea, 10 even there your hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me fast. 11 If I say, “Surely the darkness will hide me and the light become night around me,” 12 even the darkness will not be dark to you; the night will shine like the day, for darkness is as light to you. 13 For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. 14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. 15 My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place, when I was woven together in the depths of the earth. 16 Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be. 17 How precious to me are your thoughts, God! How vast is the sum of them! 18 Were I to count them, they would outnumber the grains of sand— when I awake, I am still with you. 19 If only you, God, would slay the wicked! Away from me, you who are bloodthirsty! 20 They speak of you with evil intent; your adversaries misuse your name. 21 Do I not hate those who hate you, LORD, and abhor those who are in rebellion against you? 22 I have nothing but hatred for them; I count them my enemies. 23 Search me, God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. 24 See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.
I am also reminded of Casting Crown's song
The voice that calms the sea would call out through the rain and calm the storm in me.You hear me when I'm calling, Lord you catch me when I'm falling and You told me who I am...
I am Yours!

Thursday, March 15, 2012


-Look familiar?-
- One of the scenes from the Sound of Music!-
- Just waltzing down the street in Salzburg-
- Mozart's home!- It was so cool to tour his house and learn more about his life.
I couldn't help but think of my dear friend Sandra the entire time. -
- I love this!-
Couples put up a lock with their initials on it to
symbolize their love for one another.
- Love Never Fails-
I remember posting some pictures on facebook from our team retreat to Germany/ Austria; however, I didn't post them on here. So here is a snapshot of our retreat. These pictures were all taken in Salzburg, Austria. Isn't it wonderful?

Saturday, March 10, 2012

exactly where

~ Pender Island ~ ~

Drake's music has really been speaking to me lately. Actually, for a while I was only able to access one of his songs called "Like a Wave,"
but I have fallen in Love with it. The words say:
"You send every wave from the palm of Your hand,
as they come tumbling, crashing up on to the sand
As you move everything EXACTLY where You want it to be.
God give me the power to show themYour face,
Help me to shine Your Light, Your Mercy and Grace.
Put me where You want me today-
make me like a wave." - (emphasis added)
Let the words speak to you too. If we are in the palm of God's hand, we have nothing to worry about. If we stay with Him, he will lead us. It's amazing how he has set the earth in motion and continues to make the sun rise and set each day. A couple of weeks ago, when I was chatting on the phone with Dave, I was telling him about wanting to have a job lined up for September. I was anxious becuase a school had responded positively to my application and requested an interview from me. I was restless! I was waiting for them to arrange an interview time (across the globe) and it turns out they never did. WHAT? Why didn't they follow through? I was a bit disappointed. However, I began thinking. That must not be the place God wants me in September. He has another thing planned. And the door that will open will be the right one (although sometimes He opens several and gives us choice, just because). All this to say that God leads the waves in their path of going back and forth (is there a word for that?) I know that's called the tide... but you know what I mean. It's God who sets that in motion. Humans don't arrange it. It's the creator of the universe. What a magnificent phenomenon. So, what happens in our lives? The God of the waves, can put me exactly where he wants me to be.
In my last post, I talked about claiming things that belong to us. Let me unpack that a little. It means (to me) that God has things he wants to give to us (fulfilled dreams, joy, fruit of the Spirit, healing, reconciliation, etc.) and he holds them with open hands toward us. Now the choice remains ours. Like when Jesus offered us salvation, He extended his hands toward us and we received. In the same manner, I believe some of the passions, desires and hopes we have within us are available for us to receive from the Father. I believe there is so much power in speaking these things out. Vocalizing dreams, sets them in motion. This reminds me of Grace and when she physically wrote out her Dreams on her bedroom wall. You think when we vocalize something (we hope for), we must already have enough faith that it has the potential to become a reality. He already knows the desires of our hearts. But we approach Him and make our requests known to our daddy and, yes, indeed he acknowledges us. Coming before Him, vocalizing, is vital becuase I think it actually increases our own faith. It's funny.
This post was all over the place, but I was trying to convey the message that
it's God who moves things. It's Him.

Now my response is:
"Put me where You want me [today]."

Saturday, March 3, 2012

A late night post

It's after 3:30am, I am wide-eyed, listening to the music of Christy Nockels (love this girl!) and enjoying the moment. I wanted to tell you about "My Big Fieldtrip" on Thursday. The kids attend a public school here and the entire school went on a fieldtrip this past Thursday. Like our fieldtrips at home, the invitation was open for parents to come along. One of the girls asked if I could come. I was delighted by the invitation! I gave it the weekend to think about it before making a decision. The only thing is that I wasn't sure about saying "Yes" because not knowing the language has caused some feelings of uneasiness within me. I go to the school every Friday to teach English to the grade one class; however, it always makes me a little sad when the kids come running up to me, all eager to see me and then start speaking to me in a language that I don't understand. It leaves me not knowing how to respond to them, wishing so badly that I could say something back to them. Even though they know that I don't understand them, it doesn't hold them back from running up to me, full of energy, spilling something new with me. All of this made me question whether or not I wanted to go along on the fieldtrip, but I overcame the obstacle that stood in my way and did this for our kids. I didn't end up getting to go with the girls' class, but instead went with Z and the grade 1 class. All of the moms who came along were great and really made sure I felt included, welcomed and part of the group. I was thankful for that.
Z and I had a blast! We explored the Aquarium together- we saw all sorts of sea creatures!
I was impressed at how much the Aquarium had.
At lunch time Z and could not resist getting an ice cream cone. Both of us love Strawberry Ice Cream. On the bus ride home we listened to music on my ipod together. I'm glad we could share the day together.
I'm glad I went. It wasn't scary. It wasn't uncomfortable. It was right and it was good.
~ be bold ~ Be Bold! ~ BE BOLD! ~
What scares you that belongs to you? What would happen if you claimed it as your own?

A New Favourite

The Victoria in Canada has not been known to be a cook or someone who has ever given that much time or effort to baking; however I have turned over a new leaf here. I remember a couple of years ago, when Alanna was living in the basement suite close to my house and JoAnne and I would go over there, pull up a chair and just watch as Alanna baked us somthing yummy! We always loved her baking- I especially remember the yummy chocolate zuccini loaf that she baked "with us." Of course, this story came up at Alanna's wedding because Jo and I told everyone that we have learned many life lessons from Alanna and that K scored himself a good wife when he married her. No, really, she is awesome!! Before I left, the present she gave me was a homemade Cookbook. I love it! It has a picture of us on the front and of course gives all of the dessert recipes first, because we all know the saying, "Life is uncertain- eat dessert first." She has included many yummy things for me to refer to. Today I gave one of her recipes a go- Tortilla Soup. It was delicious (however, it was missing the jalapeno!). Thanks for helping me along Alanna by providing me with some of yours (and Kevin's) favourite recipes.
Strangely (?) I have really come to enjoy cooking and baking. During the past four months, I have tried a variety of new recipes. I enjoy putting on some nice tunes or a good sermon via podcast, or just enjoying the silence. Yes, I've had to refer to google translate a number of times to translate different spices, as well as run across the street to the get a missing ingredient or two (how convenient to have a grocery store right there!); however, I've really grown to Enjoy the whole cooking experience.
It's funny because in North America we often buy a lot of processed, or prepackaged food (cake mixes, easy Mac, etc.) but here, I have actually liked the process that is involved in making food from scratch. One of my favourites has been baking Pumpkin Cake with Cream Cheese Icing (Delicious. Last week some friends were over and the boys helped themselves to 3 or 4 pieces each and then asked if they could take some home!). The reason I feel so proud of this cake is due to the fact that the pumpkin was bought from the market and then I cooked and pureed it before using it in the cake- no cans of Pumpkin here! You get this sweet sense of satisfaction when you make something completely from scratch.
Another observation is that at home we typically shop at Superstore and buy our groceries for the week, whereas here, we frequent the grocery stores more often. I find myself going to the grocery store everyday or every other day. I love the markets on this side of the world. We typically get our fruits and veggies at the market; however, I've realized they don't have all of the preservatives that ours do at home. That means that they usually only stay good for a couple of days- not an entire week! So although there is so much healthy stuff to buy at the market, you can't go overboard or else you will end up feeding the Garbage after a couple of days (and I'm sure Mr. Garbage is already full becuase there are 17 million people in this city alone feeding him).
Well folks, I just wanted to share my new found friend "Cooking" with you. Some of my favourite meals include: Tacos, Lasagna (I made it for the first time here), Chickpea Curry, Homemade Pizza, Sweet & Sour Meatballs, and Chicken + Squash + Potatoes (made "the Cindy way"). I am reminded of my Granny's cooking. Her food was always so good- and I think it's because it was all made from scratch. You just knew that time and love were put into her cooking. I think it's halarious that Lydia has such confidence in my cooking/ baking because to be honest, most of this is me just stepping out and trying new recipes!
Dare I say this is something to add to my "Wife Resume?" I suppose so (wink, wink Denise).