The word "presence" has been on my mind a lot lately. presence.
be present.
where you are- be present.
A little while ago, Alanna told me that when I return home from 7 1/2 months away, people will simply summarize "what's been going on" in 5 minutes or less. I didn't really like the sound of that. I love being "involved." I love being "with" you, so to only hear things in a nut-shell, just doesn't quite cut it for me. Praise the Lord for today's technology where I can talk to my parents frequently, skype people over the holidays and wake up in the morning, pick up the phone and hear a familiar voice. It's interesting how one can describe an event or situation to another person with lots of detail or expression and captivate the other's attention; however, as much description is put into the story, the listener can never experience that exact experience for themselves. I think this often when I tell stories. My words just can't give the other person the experience. The fascinating part about this is the special memories that can be created by two people that nobody else can ever know and live personally. You will never experience when I went to the waterfall at Palau Weh, Indonesia, you will never know what it felt like to feel God's heartbeat at the Vancouver International Airport in July 2010, you will never know the sense of anticipation I felt when I flew over Hanoi and entered Vietnam in 2009, or the beauty I breathe in when I walk the peak of the hill at Douglas Taylor Park in Bradner, or how I just want time to stand still when I lead the kids in worship at church, and you can never experience the feeling I had while standing atop the Galata tower praying for people in this land to experience freedom. Similarily, I can not experience the special, one-of-a-kind moments that you have when I am not with you. That's part of the mystery of life. At the same time that's part of its beauty.
As a springboard from what I just talked about, I've been pondering the reality of
"EMMANUEL- God with us."
With us.
My God is a personal God, not a far-off distant god. So to think, He is the One who is present with me in each moment just AMAZES me. So there is One who knows. As we celebrated Christmas, I thought of this in relation to the wonderous event. Somehow God saw it fit to send his Son to earth to experience life as we experience it. to experience it. My mind can't fully comprehend this story- it will always remain a mystery to me to some extent; however, I think about the beauty I talked about before of experiencing moments together with another person. I think about how Jesus Christ became physically present. I love how John 1 puts it in the message version: "The Word became flesh and blood, and moved into the neighbourhood. We saw the glory with our own eyes, the one-of-a-kind glory, like Father, like Son, Generous inside and out. True from start to finish." (check out Jeff's Christmas sermon this year- on this exact point- (www.northview.org/messages_comments/the_word_became_flesh/) True. In history, he came as a man. Truth. He gave His Spirit to be present with us now. Are we aware of his presence? How do I respond when I am aware of His presence? God is near.
I think about I live more FULLY when I am completely present where I am. Before writing this post I googled presence and found this: 10 reasons why being present is better-
1. You cry more
2. You laugh more
3. You love more
4. You see more
5. You feel more
6. You live more
7. You do more
8. You listen more
9. You reach more
10. You ARE more
Are we attentive? Are we present? Do we know the gift of presence? Do we know how to offer another the gift of presence?
There's so much more to say... but I will leave you to look again at the picture posted at the top.
the power of being present.
picture taken from a recent earthquake site.
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