growing in life's garden (it's a children's song by Charlotte Diamond)
I like this funny little Christmas Cactus. It seems silly, but I'll be honest and say that I feel proud when I look at it becuase at the office it's my responsibility to water the plants every Saturday. I really have no idea about how to care for plants, but I faithfulfully do my duty every week of watering the plants in each office. When I walked in one week and saw this little plant with these purple flowers, I made me so HAPPY! A little purple added to that December Saturday. I felt like I helped bring life to that little thing. I had no idea the potential that little plant had. I didn't even realize that a flower would come out of it. I have a lot of learning to do. Throughout our science module at school, I have had an increased sense of WONDER and AWE for God's creation. May I help foster that same sense of wonder and awe in my students' for the natural world. Perhaps they get it even more than us. Perhaps they are already in awe. They have a deep fascination with the world around them. They probably don't need to be taught it. EMBRACE BEAUTY FOLKS! appreciate and celebrate God's handiwork and know that you are an integral part of God's creation.
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