Let's shout it out:
The Love Of God.
I wish if could explain it. I wish I could summarize it nicely. I wish that we truly meditated on the vast love of God everyday and didn't stop there, but soaked up his love in our day to day lives. Well we can do it. I guess it's not a wish. I pray that God's love becomes more and more of a reality to us each day.
God is the source of love. To try to love on our own is not love. We get our own personal priorities and selfish nature in the way of love and that is not love. Love is looking to the others' needs before ours. Love is making them our priority. I have been trying to realize this more. My dear friend told me that she used to not understand how some couples whose marriage was focused on Christ could hold the other person in such high regard that they would really would do anything for them. She could see their love for one another, but when you live by the philosophies of the world, you think it's absurd. You'd think that you can not put someone else before yourself because we all learn that you have to look out for #1 (yo
urself!). But that's not it at all. Have we bought into this world's system and definition of love (selfishness)? hmm... this particular friend shared with me the truth that we can only love to a certain extent on our own. In other words, we can only love to a certain level; our love can only go so deep. But!!! Here's the exciting part!!!! whe
n we receive love from God we are able to love deeper to levels we never thought imaginable. The truth is that God is the supply of love and the more we bask in that love the more we are filled with love. In turn, we are able to give away more love. It's like a circle really. Are you able to love deeply? Are you holding yourself back (out of selfishness?) in your ability to love? If so, perhaps just receive from the Father. Receive his deep de
ep Love. It's vast, unmeasured, boundless and free. You will begin to view people around you with new light and with a new depth because knowing that you are loved enables you to love other people more fully. Wow, the love of God! Please remind me of this at my wedding. Remind me to daily receive God's love so I can be filled. We will run out of love if it is only coming from within ourselves. But if we receive love from God is is limitless. If you need some reading Material about LOVE check out 1 John. It's loaded! Enjoy!
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