Saturday, April 27, 2013

This is what You do...

You make me come alive...

I posted the link to this song on my last blog entry and here I am reposting it. "Coming alive" is one of the themes in my life. "Awakening" is one of those words that resonate with my Spirit. I love when you're in a spot and KNOW that's where you are meant to be. It gives life to your whole being.

Last week I got to check off something from "my list." In a post last year, I mentioned several things that I dreamt of doing. One of those things was to participate in the 10 km Vancouver Sun Run. As you may be aware, I have been training and was excited to enter the race this year. There was a sense of anticipation as I saw one of the things from my list become a reality. I had never been in a formal 10 km run before. I was thrilled! I'm so glad I had my friend Michelle to go with. Before running I made a personal goal to run the entire thing. I had heard this run is the biggest 10 km across the country, with sometimes upwards of 50 000 participants registering for it. I had heard there are so many people that you have to dodge people as you run, making it somewhat tricky to get a personal best time- hence, I made my goal to run non-stop, rather than aim for a certain time.

We woke up at 5:30 am to take the  sky train into Vancouver.
We arrived at 8am so I could get my shirt and bib and make our way to our starting position.

Here is a picture of the start! We were divided up into colours (different heats)
 determined by our estimated time category.

I love how this event included all sorts of people- young, old and everyone in between! The man who started beside us had his little grandson cheering for him at the sidelines saying "Go Papa, Go!"
 I'm so proud to say that I accomplished my goal- I ran the entire thing!
Something that stood out for me during the run was all the people standing at the sides cheering us on. Every time someone cheered for me, I took their words as if they were speaking right to me and directly cheering me on. Because of those supporters, I kept going! Honestly, stopping didn't even seem like an option to me because these people motivated me to keep going. They gave me strength and more determination. Around the 5 km mark we got to run over the Burrard Street Bridge. That 1 kilometer was so much fun! The last two kilometers also stand out to me because we could see BC Place, where the finish line was. The end was in sight and again, it was motivating to push forward.
 It was an awesome sense of accomplishment to cross that finish line and know that I achieved my goal! I was also impressed that I ended up with a time of1 hour and 1 minute.
The run was so rejuvenating for me. The three weeks prior were pretty emotional. I had been processing the death of 3 people and was trying to make some big decisions in that time frame as well. After the run I felt like I had been given more life. I was grateful that I could run. I was grateful that God refilled me.

With the picture of all of those "cheerleaders" standing on the sidelines, I have been spending some time sitting on the passage in Hebrews 12 where it says, "Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God." I am thinking of the powerful imagery of those people who didn't even know me standing there to encourage me. Although I don't fully understand it, I think there is a parallel here with those Christians who have gone before us. In their lives, they followed Christ as he led them. Sometimes their dreams were fulfilled and other times they had the faith that one day it would be accomplished. Now somehow those who have gone before us join with heaven and cheer us on. We get to be part of some of the things they started. Any other insight into this? We may not realize it, but we are continually being "cheered on." Not only do these saints cheer us on, but also God does too! He knows my name! He gives me all that I need to accomplish His will for me. It's a pretty awesome feeling to know that the God of the universe is cheering us on!

shout out to Michelle (way to go girl! You DID IT!), my Dad (love you), Curtis (cheering me on each Monday and Wednesday. focusing on Jesus), Shantel (my workout partner. persistent. motivating.) Tammy, Virginia and Sandra who join the cloud of witnesses and have gone before us.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Time with the Famjam

Here are some pictures from our Easter Weekend in Powell River
The ocean

just hanging out

Is she cute, or what?


Grandma and I

Our hotel

Enjoying the outdoors


and another one

family outing
- "This is what you do" (Bethel)
"b.e.  a.l.i.v.e. !"