Sunday, September 23, 2012

Lifestyle of Generosity!

One of the biggest things I've taken with me from the time I spent with the Oommen's, the Berg's and Braun's is how generous they are. I recall being at the Oommen's one day to teach the kids and Bindu invited me to stay for dinner. My response to her invitation was, "You don't have to. I can cook at home." She looked at me and said, "Of course we don't have to. We want to." Those words have stuck with me. I think back on when I was leaving and Matt and Ruth came to say goodbye. I returned to them the many things they had lent me. As we left my house, I thought it rather amusing that their hands were full of stuff- a fan (to save me from the heat that was just coming out for the summer), a toaster (so I could enjoy BP and Banana toast for breakfast), and Capris (thanks to Ruth I had some comfy JOE capris to wear that came all the way from Canada), just to name a few. When I didn't have something, they were quick to say I could use one of theirs. I think about how I had to get a residency permit and Dave gave of his time to help me through this process. He had to cancel his language lessons and accompany me over to the office all the way on the European side where that stuff is dealt with. Again, a demonstration of generosity in action. With these models, I have come to want to exhibit this *generous* lifestyle. I've been so impacted by it that as a result I choose to embrace a lifestyle of generosity. Yes, I've had several moments of practicing this over the past little while, and what a joy it is to give! This week, I was also the recipient of two special acts of generosity. My socks were blessed off that's for sure! Firstly, I got to meet with grandpa for lunch. He is 75 now, and during our lunch hour I reminded myself of the fact that he's lived 3 of my life times. Wow, he must be so rich in experience and memories. After lunch he wanted to give me some money. Like before, he didn't have to, but he wanted to. In that moment, I think it best to receive and be blessed. Then, this past week I had posted on facebook that I wanted a bike and was wondering if anyone had any leads for me. My parents often bike when the weather is nice and Curtis has been encouraging me to take up biking, so I was on the lookout for a used bike. Well yesterday my Uncle came with a special delivery for me- exactly what I had wanted- A bike, complete with a helmet and lock to accompany it. WOW! As it turns out, my aunt had bought the bike from Costco and only been able to ride it a few times before realizing that she couldn't continue riding because of injury. Such generosity. I was able to then take the gift that my grandpa had given to me and say thanks to my Aunt and Uncle for the bike. The act of generosity has such vast ripples.

~ My Saturday Surprise! ~

~ Thank You ~

Generosity: I think on the principal of acting out of a recognition that 1. All that we have is God's. 2. We seek the Lord and respond as he leads 3. We know that God is lavish and generous 4. We know we are sons and daughters of the living God 5. We know his character and trust him in all things.
Let your requests be made known.
Are we a people who embrace a lifestyle of generosity?  

Thursday, September 13, 2012


It's been my word of the week.
What does it mean?
not restricted; without reservation; full; entire.
frank; open; complete; sincere.
I love this.
I've been thinking about how important it is to "say what you need to say."
When we could shy away from what we want to say, or when we could be too scared to compliment someone or give someone a word of encouragement, say thanks or tell someone how much he/ she means to us, it's better to be unreserved and just do it.
A little word goes a long way.
Just say it.
My friend, Tamara, who inspires me and many others wrote this poem and the theme goes along these lines. I hope she doesn't mind that I share her poem.
People are good.
People are beautiful!
Embrace the people in your life,
Reach out
Speak up. Speak out.
Say what you are thinking
Share what you have always thought
Express what is in your heart
Be bold. Be brave.
Sometimes words are not enough, but sometimes, words,
when used, intertwined with love
Have the ability to transform lives,
to shed light, hope and inspiration.
Let people know how you feel...
how wonderful you think they are
Say "thank you"
You just never know, the impact you might have,
Risk. Open up.
Dare to be a difference
Take a chance to impact a life
Do it now.
People need you.
The abiity we, as humans have, to help those around us,
to care for those around us, to love those around us
gives life meaning, gives life purpose
for without eachother
family, friend, or stranger,
we are lost.
We all have the ability
to impact one another...
To connect,
and for that,
* shout out today to Lydia, a special roommate. My first and best roommate.
Shouts to Luella, a wise woman whose presence is so refreshing.
Shouts to Curtis, encouraging me and and challenging me to choose the gateway to Life.
Shouts to Judy for being like an older sister to talk with.
Shouts to Louis, a constant friend.
Props to those who have recently decided to do something "RISKY" or "Unreserved"-
Alanna and Kevin, Breanne, Mike W., Denise, Tamara.
I'm proud of you.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Giving Responsibility

I learned a life lesson last week. It was one of those light bulb moments, where I had to take a step back and think "hmm... so that's how it works!" I was teaching Japanese students. Our program was different from the typical programs we do with short term exchange students. This one was more academic in its nature. With that the students were assigned different topics to focus on studying while they were here. I was assigned the topic "Environment." I'm not an environment expert, but I really enjoyed learning more about different aspects of the environment (like an ecological footprint, what we can recycle, life cycle of salmon, natural resources in Canada, just to name a few). All this preface to say that each group had to do a 5-10 minute presentation. In all honesty that was sort of sprung on me because I thought we were presenting on Friday, but on Wednesday morning I was informed that we were presenting that afternoon. But remember the last post, "Keep calm and carry on," - that's what I had to do. So I decided to totally put it in the students' hands. I gave them a couple of ideas, but really it was their presentation, so I wanted them to run with it. I was there for support and to assist as they needed me, but I really wanted them to take ownership of this presentation. Guess what! They did such a fantastic job! I was so impressed with their presentation. I suppose the "Aha" moment that came out of this for me is that sometimes the best thing you can do for someone else is give them responsibility. If you take charge and limit the responsibility they have, you don't let them take full ownership. When you give responsibility, the students can choose to rise to the occasion, work together and see their task achieved. I loved their creativity! As it turns out each group's presentation was judged by all of the teachers. I got so many compliments on my group's presentation. I was so proud of them! My remark back to the teachers was that the students are smart, capable and creative and did it on their own! Funny thing is that Amy and I were a little worried about these presentations (weren't clear of what our final product would look like, had very little direction), so after we had talked about it we prayed that our groups' presentations would come together well and that both of them would stand out in a positive way. Our prayer was answered and we were both placed in the top 5 (of 21 presentations). My group ranked first place! I am reminded to give others responsibility, as a sign to show them that I trust them and am confident in their abilities!


~ Masuhiro, Mariah, Yuki, Misa, Mami ~

~ My awesome group! ~

This makes me think of  the similarities with parenting (not that I know from experience). Again, I see the correlation between giving responsibility and seeing children rise to the occasion when you give it to them. I think we say, "I trust you. You can do it!" when we give children responsibility. I'm so appreciative of how my parents have raised me, giving me opportunities to be responsible and develop responsibility. Of course, they were there helping me deliver newspapers and driving me to my first job, but they equipped me to gain more responsibility. They turned it over to me and said they believed I could take on the responsibility. For that I am grateful! Giving responsibility doesn't means things will always go smoothly. It doesn't mean people are guaranteed to make the best decisions, but it means we believe in them. It means we trust they will learn from it and will grow. It means we are giving up control and giving them new and exciting opportunities. And actually in giving up "our rights" we grow too!

Responsibility- a gift worth giving!