Thursday, September 1, 2011


Dawn shared this song with me yesterday called, "Mended." I really like it.

Here's the link to it on youtube:

I am reminded to not give up on people. In Galatians it says that one of the fruit of the Spirit is longsuffering. Now that doesn't sound too pleasant. We want things to be easily fixed and then out of our memories; however, how come it says that we ought to have this sort of patience that endures discomfort/ hardship? Although it is not easy to journey with others, I want to be dedicated to the friends and family I have by sticking close to them despite the situation (side by side- rib to rib). I believe this is a great testiment because too often people abandon others when the going gets tough and then come back to their side when things are "better." That's the easy way! A little while back a friend spoke some words to me that meant the world to me. He said, "You encouraged me to get into the game of living, and you made me feel like I was worth something when I felt worthless. You told me I could do things when I never thought I could and you told me to believe in myself when I thought the next hurdle was insurmountable. I don't want anyone or anything to hurt the one who told me to get right with Jesus and not to think about dying, but to live." Those words mean a lot to me. They speak deep into the fibres of my being. Why? Becuase the reality is that people believe the falicy that they are not worth it. People don't even know their value. In order to tell people that they are worth it, much time and patience are needed. People need to feel safe. Everyone longs to belong and to be heard.

Although it is not always easy to walk this journey, I'm glad we can share it together.

The picture of the quilt represents how our lives are woven together.

I am reminded of the following fruit of the Spirit:

love, peace, patience, kindness, gentleness, faithfulness.

~ You are worth it! ~ You are so loved! ~