Like I've mentioned before, we can learn something new everyday
if we posture ourselves to be teachable.
May I maintain a posture of learning and take the time to learn new things everyday.
Before pic:

This project still remains unfinished; however, I wanted to tell you all about it. If you know me, you know that I'm not really a painter/ visual artist. I can definitely appreciate artwork, but my thoughts are that since I wasn't exposed to art that much as a child, I am sort of lacking in the artistic domain. I would consider myself an artist though. I love creating! I love seeing others create! I love
Colour! I love music! And I'm okay with sharing my emotions! (As a side note, I worked at a photo lab for about 5 months and got the job by telling the lady that "I appreciate art and love music." What the heck did that have to do with working at a photolab? So for 5 months I got to view everyone's photos. Don't worry, none of them scarred me). Okay, back to the story. When my parents were away on vacation my brother decided to update the front yard. It was his project. I think it looks really sharp. He did a fantastic job. So this time while my parents were away, I decided I would paint the front door. I thought it would be an easy task- just paint. It was more involved than I had originally thought. It involved choosing the paint (going to Benjamin Moore twice), sanding, taping, priming, and then painting. The colour we decided to go with is called "Black Beauty." I had a little creative-conference with Jeanette to discuss the project and then, set off to do it. Props go out to Jeanette for all of her suggestions and her natural "eye" to envision what will look good. The thing I learned is that it's great to try new things. Trying something new doesn't guarantee that you will be a professional- however I'm learning that that's okay. It's good to try something that you have never done before. It's so rewarding and I also enjoy collaborating with those know what they are talking about because they have so much to offer. It's actually really neat to get someone talking about what they enjoy. I actually get joy from listening/ watching someone talk about something they are
passionate about. I must say that I was a little impatient when it came to the painting. I tore the tape off too early and ended up taking some of the paint off with it, so I need to go back and touch up the edges. I need to give a shout-out to my brother because he woke up at 7am with me to do this project and while I was doing some of the painting he was working hard on the yard. We are a good team (amazing race, Brayden?).
The after pic is still to come.

Next I've been in need of some work because although I've been on the TOC list for Abby Christian I've only been called once. Praise God! Isn't it amazing how the body can work together? I had a need and J needed someone to do some work. Perfect for both of us! So I ended up landscaping, aka pulling weeds and edging, for 3 days. I have never even mowed the lawn before, so this was sort of a big deal. I ended up enjoying it a lot. I found it to be so soothing. It was a totally different job than I'm used to, but there was something so peaceful and beautiful about getting dirty, enjoying creation and blasting my music (thanks Tamara and Vicky) in Pete's garden. There is also something to be said about doing something that you don't typically find yourself doing. This was a whole new experience for me. I also felt a sense of accomplishment when the job was all done and I could actually see what I had done. May we be the kind of family that cares for one another and meets each other's needs. May I be inclined to meet someone's needs if I am capable of doing so. May we act as members of one family.
On Friday I found myself (of all places!) at the Pacific Construction Equipment Show in Chilliwack. Again, not my typical gig, but I from it I added another thing to my
"life experience list." I operated a Volvo 160 Excavator. Here's a picture.

J wanted to operate the biggest machine they had. I was happy to just let him have his fun and enjoy being in the excavator; however, the sales guy from Volvo also invited me to get on one for myself and take the controls. So this picture is of me doing exactly that. J was right when he said that I probably didn't wake up that morning thinking, "hmm... I think I'm going to operate an excavator today." So thanks Cupressa for the experience!
Finally, here are some words from *SARK*- be an artist!
Plant impossible gardens ~ Look forward to dreams ~ Cry during movies ~ Swing as high as you can on a swingset, by moonlight ~ Cultivate moods ~ Do it for love ~ Take lots of naps ~ Take moonbaths ~ Giggle with children ~ Listen to old pepole ~ Drive away fear ~
Play with everything ~ Entertain your inner child ~
Build a fort with blankets ~ Get wet ~ Hug trees ~ Write love letters ~