Thursday, February 24, 2011

You make beautiful things

~ You make beautiful things out of the dust.

You make beautiful things, you make beautiful things out of us. ~

- all around hope is springing up from this old ground- out of chaos life is being found in you-

Been thinking of the following quote that I stumbled across the other week. It goes like this, "Don't ask yourself what hte world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive and go do that because what the world needs is people who have come alive."

I have so many things to say about this quote... so I better just release! It dawned on me as I was talking to Z last month that we have no right to ever discourage anyone from doing what has been placed within them to do. Woulnd't you hate to be the one who silences someone else's dream? I was not created to do the same thing as you and you were not created to do the same things as the persona beside you- each of us was designed by God to have a certain bent, certain skill sets and ways that move us to action. Isn't that what makes the world beautiful, and yet so mysterious? We are each unique! say it again... I believe that instilled within us are secrets that the world can not know until we release them. I suppose they are more like treasures- what we want to uniquely offer the world and those around us. Bill Johnson says, "Our dreams are not independent from God,but instead, exist because of God." This is exaclty what I am trying to say. Do you need me to shout out the dreams that God has placed within me? I don't think that's necessarily the right approach. Can't the way we live show what God has put in us? That's how it is supposed to be- our lives are a response to what has irrevokably been put in us. We may call these things longings. I wanto go and love people. I want to tell the children I interact with that they are valuable and designed by a Father who will never let them out of his sight. "One of the most significant ways to serve others is to be present with them" (Charles Ringma, Dare to Journey with Henrdy). The idea of ~presence~ has been resonating with my spirit lately. We cary the presence of Christ and that is lovely. So in God's presence things Change. As Kim Walker declares, "we are not the same after we encounter the presence of God." Really his presence compels us and softens us. Just think: If I bring the presence of God wherever I go, how does the atmosphere change as a result? How do people respond and receive the presence of God? T always says, "wherever you are, be present." This speaks to me and I hope it calls us to delight and be more full. I know my thoughts are a little scattered but that's how it goes sometimes (espcially when you haven't blogged regularly). I have been wondering since the summer about how come there is power when we pray in a particular spot. We can pray boldly from any location, however physically briging the presence of Christ to a spot brings light, healing and freedom and that's probably why intercession/ prayer walks have the ability to change the atmosphere becuase darkness is becoming invaded by light. Spoken words of Light overrule the darkness. The theif always comes to destroy what God wants to use for good, so then our presence (if we know our authority) can release God's power to supersede the patterns of this world by invading it with the will of God (the kingdom of God becoming a reality on earth). Wow. I think of the story of Jesus passing through the crowd and the one woman being healed when she just walked by. Can't that be a reality now? I long for a greater release of the Spirit of God to touch and intervene in those avenues of people's physical and spiritual bodies that need healing and reconciliation. Just think of touch people can receive from God if we act as carriers of Christ to this people. When I travel, I have a new desire. I want to be a worshipper from whichever city/ country I find myself in. I don't know the complete mystery; however, releasing worship declares God's reign over a place and invites God to expose the darkness and bring communion/ relationship. His heart is for relationship. Worship expresses relationships and invites deeper levels of relatioship. We carry the presence of Christ.

May we extravagantly RADIATE!

more thoughts to come... on the next post.

~faith~ courage~ obedience~ overcomer!~