Where do you see God? How does He reveal Himself to you in a way that you understand?
Many people see God through nature. when they are on a hike. or gazing at the stars. or skiing on the mountain top. or reflecting by the ocean. these are all ways that people see God through nature. I admit that I do see God through his creation, but it's not actually where I see Him the most.
I see God through people.
I see God in the face and the life of those I encounter.
I see Christ in their eyes, in their skin, in their smile.
I see Christ's love and I see his hand at work enabling that person to live, move, breathe, and be who He created them to be.
I see how they are part of a larger story- one that God created and thought into being.
It's hard to explain.
This is how Shane Claiborne has said it because he see God through people as well. " Over and over, the dying and the lepers would whisper the mystical word namaste in my ear…They explained to me that namaste means ‘I honor the Holy One who lives in you’…Was it possible…that in my eyes, they could catch a glimpse of the image of my Lover?"
The Word Namaste describes my feelings exactly. I see Christ in you. I see the living God through you. I see the complexity of God through you. I see his infinity. I see his gentleness. I see his depth. I see his character through you.
Last week I had several encounters with people where I thought Namaste while and after conversing with them. I had the privilege of meeting a man in the park last week, and chatting with him- a complete stranger. But yet, I learned from him. yet, I looked into his eyes and saw Christ. While I was in God's presence yesterday, many people's faces to mind who I know, and with each one came the word, "NAMASTE." With each person that I envisioned, I saw Christ. But I questioned God and asked, How can it be Namaste when that person doesn't even know you? But still, God answered the question by showing me that he is at work, that he created them, that he is near to them, but they may just have to reach out to him, that maybe they don't know God yet, but they will. I felt assured. I feel confident enough to say that I see Christ in them.
Look for Christ today. Look for Him in the ordinary. Ask Him where he is to be found. God is all around- but there are some ways that speak to our hearts louder than others.